You can conceive Naturally if you follow

You can conceive Naturally if you follow

Brought to U....    and

My memories
You can conceive Naturally if you follow
Posted in 2014

Your high school health teacher probably made it sound like you can get pregnant any time you have sex. But in truth, it’s a little more complicated.
Each month, there are a series of hormonal changes in your body that cause an immature egg in the ovary to grow and mature. Every woman’s cycle is different. This process takes about two weeks on average, beginning with a woman’s menstrual period.
Once the egg is mature, it’s released from the ovary in a process known as ovulation. The egg then travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. The egg is only viable for about 24 hours once it’s been released.
If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell during this time frame, the fertilized egg will keep traveling down toward the uterus. It will then implant into the uterine lining.

You might have not seen any animal taking medicines to conceive because they follow healthy habits and no animal is rushing to Infertility clinic for IVF or Surrogacy or other to have a child. God has gifted to give birth to a child by following Healthy habits. We have been included in ZOOLOGY considering us as Animal. All parts of us are similar to animal and functions are also same. The only difference is they have four legs but we have two hands and two legs...The God created us equal to him and given us Thinking Power which is not given to animal. That is the reason we are creating wonders on this Universe. Not only this we are also searching various planets to know the atmosphere there. minerals available, etc..Please note the following to conceive Naturally
1. ...   
The best way to increase your odds of getting pregnant quickly is to make sure that you’re having sex at the right time in your cycle
2....    If you have regular cycles, you will ovulate around two weeks before your period. This means your fertile window will be the seven days before your expected ovulation.
3....    If you have irregular cycles, it can be a little more difficult to predict when you will ovulate and when your fertile window will be.
4...     By measuring your basal body temperature every morning before getting out of bed, you might be able to detect, first, a very slight decrease then a very slight rise in temperature for three mornings in a row.
5....    The temperature rise may be as little as half of a degree. This can be a signal that you have ovulated. Keep in mind that an egg only survives about 24 hours after ovulation so this so-called fertile window may not be a good indicator of when you should have sex.
6.....    Attain Healthy Weight::You should always maintain Healthy weight.
7.....   . Kick out Bad Habits
8........ Take proper Diet:::I clearly mentioned many times that what ever Nutrients your body needs are available in your Food...Which will protect your health and also helpful to conceive Naturally.
9.....   . Exercise::Do proper exercise to maintain your body healthy.
10....  . Press your Stomach during empty stomach.
11      . Reduce Tensions to relax your Mind and body
It can be done at your home. No need to wander here and there. I wish U all to have Healthy Child. 

Brought to U ......


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