Study of Unilateral renal agenesis

Study of Unilateral renal agenesis

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Study of Unilateral renal agenesis
Posted in 2013

Scientists studied about Unilateral renal agenesis and published on 28th February, 2013
Unilateral renal agenesis (URA) is associated with other congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) and extra-renal anomalies. However, the reported prevalences of these anomalies are highly variable. We estimated the prevalence of associated CAKUT and extra-renal anomalies in patients with URA. Furthermore, we determined the prevalence of renal injury in URA patients.
We conducted a systematic review of English and non-English articles using PubMed and Included studies reported at least one of the following items: incidence of URA, gender, side of URA, prenatal diagnosis, performance of micturating cystourethrogram, associated CAKUT, urinary tract infection or extra-renal anomalies. Studies that described a mean/median glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and proportions of patients with hypertension, micro-albuminuria or a decreased GFR were also included.
Analyses were based on 43 included studies (total number of patients: 2684, 63% male). The general incidence of URA was 1 in ∼2000. Associated CAKUT were identified in 32% of patients, of which vesicoureteral reflux was most frequently identified (24% of patients). Extra-renal anomalies were found in 31% of patients. Hypertension could be identified in 16% of patients, whereas 21% of patients had micro-albuminuria. Ten per cent of patients had a GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m².
These aggregate results provide insight in the prevalence of associated anomalies and renal injury in patients with URA. Our systematic review implicates that URA is not a harmless malformation by definition. Therefore, we emphasize the need for clinical follow-up in URA patients starting at birth.
My advise
1... Our body has been designed by the God to do its function well with two kidneys. The main function of Kidneys is to filter 3 ltrs per hour of blood and sent to body. If any one born with only Kidney it will not filter the blood as stipulated and due to it may cause health problems like Hypertension, heart problems early age below 30 years.
2... Renal agenesis (RA) is a form of renal tract malformation characterized by the complete absence of development of one or both kidneys (unilateral RA or bilateral RA respectively; see these terms), accompanied by absent ureter(s).
3...Most patients with unilateral RA are asymptomatic if the other kidney is fully functional and the disease is commonly detected as a chance observation. However,  hypertension, proteinuria  and renal failure may develop in the long run (20-50% of cases at the age of 30). Unilateral RA is occasionally associated with genital tract anomalies on the same side (e.g. seminal vesicle hypoplasia and absence of the vas deferens), cardiac anomalies (such as atrial or ventricular septal defects) and/or gastrointestinal anomalies (such as anal atresia). Bilateral RA is characterized by complete absence of kidney development, absent ureters and subsequent absence of fetal renal function resulting in Potter sequence with pulmonary hypoplasia related to oligohydramnios, which is fatal shortly after birth.
4.. The woman follows  unhealthy food or other than her kidneys cannot send unwanted present in the blood.   If she is pregnant than her child's kidneys also spoils.   So follow healthy food to protect yourself and your child.
5.....  I wish every couple should enjoy with their Healthy child.
6..    Develop n practice positive thinking and continue it till delivery to have Healthy child.
Brought to U ....


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