Congenital Heart disease in Adults

Congenital Heart disease in Adults

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Congenital Heart disease in Adults
Posted in 2014

Depending on the defect, diagnosis and treatment may begin shortly after birth, during childhood, or in adulthood. Some defects don’t cause any symptoms until the child becomes an adult, so diagnosis and treatment may be delayed. In these cases, the symptoms of a newly discovered congenital heart defect may include:
shortness of breath
chest pain
a reduced ability to exercise
being easily fatigued
The treatment for congenital heart disease in adults can also vary depending on the severity of the heart defect. Some people may only need to monitor their condition closely, and others may require medications and surgeries.
In some cases, defects that may have been treated in childhood can present problems again in adulthood. The original repair may no longer be effective or the initial defect may have become worse over time. Scar tissue that developed around the original repair may also end up causing problems, such as heart arrhythmias.
Regardless of your situation, it’s important to continue seeing your doctor for follow-up care. Treatment may not cure your condition, but it can help you maintain an active, productive life. It will also reduce your risk for serious complications, such as heart infections, heart failure, and stroke
My advise
1....    Congenital heart disease is a type of defect in one or more structures of the heart or blood vessels that occur before birth. The heart structures, or vessels, do not form as they should during pregnancy, while the fetus is developing in the uterus.
2..   They affect about 8 to 10 out of every 1,000 children. Congenital heart defects may produce symptoms at birth, during childhood and sometimes not until adulthood.
3...  800,000 adults in the United States have grown into adulthood with congenital heart disease. This number increases by about 20,000 each year.
4..   Congenital heart defects may be diagnosed before birth, right after birth, during childhood or not until adulthood. It is possible to have a defect and no symptoms at all. In adults, if symptoms of congenital heart disease are present, they may include:
a.....shortness of breath   b... poor exercise tolerance
5...    Every one on this earth takes 6 liters of Oxygen per minute
6...    When a conceived woman should consume minimum oxygen for her body needs so that her child body needs more oxygen to open all heart cells, brain cells etc...
7...    Consumption of oxygen of mother is depend upon food...So mother during her pregnancy should avoid heavy, oily, non Vegetarian etc.. food
8...   If the child receives sufficient oxygen all his heart cells will be opened before birth.
9...   If a adult is facing this problem they should leave unhealthy habits and follow healthy food.
10... I advise every woman wish to give birth to a child should follow healthy habits to avoid heart defects to her child.
Brought to U ....


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