Types of Renal agenesis

Types of Renal agenesis

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Types of Renal agenesis
Posted in 2013

Renal agenesis is a condition in which a newborn is missing one or both kidneys. Unilateral renal agenesis (URA) is the absence of one kidney. Bilateral renal agenesis (BRA) is the absence of both kidneys.
Both types of renal agenesis occur in fewer than 1 percent of births annually, according to the March of Dimes. Fewer than 1 in every 1,000 newborns has URA. BRA is much rarer, occurring in about 1 in every 3,000 births.
Unilateral renal agenesis
In unilateral renal hypoplasia, one kidney has not developed. (‘Unilateral’ means one side.) Many children with only one kidney have no symptoms or complications and do not need treatment. Sometimes the other kidney grows larger than normal to make up for the missing kidney. However, children may be at risk of Urinary track infections(UTI) and/or Hypertension (high blood pressure) later in life.
Bilateral renal agenesis
In bilateral renal agenesis, both kidneys have not developed. (‘Bilateral’ means two sides.) If this is suspected, you will need to go back to the hospital for more scans to confirm the problem. Sadly, babies with no kidneys are unable to survive.
In such situations, some people decide to terminate (stop) a pregnancy. This is a very personal decision. A healthcare professional will speak with you and support whatever decision you make.
My advise
1...    The kidneys perform functions that are necessary for life. In healthy people, the kidneys:
a...  produce urine, which removes urea, or liquid waste, from the blood
b.... keep a balance of sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes in the blood
c.... supply the hormone erythropoietin, helping red blood cell growth
d... produce the hormone renin to help regulate blood pressure
e..  produce calcitriol, also known as Vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium and phosphate from the GI tract
2... Everyone needs at least part of one kidney to survive. Without either kidney, the body cannot remove waste or water properly. This accumulation of waste and fluid can offset the balance of important chemicals in the blood, and leads to death without treatment.
3... Both types of renal agenesis are associated with other birth defects, such as problems with the:
a.... lungs       b... genitals and urinary tract   c.. stomach and intestines
d...  heart       e... muscles and bones    f...  eyes and ears
4...  Babies born with URA may have signs and symptoms at birth, in childhood, or not until later in life. Symptoms can include:
a...  high blood pressure          b...  poorly working kidney
c.... urine with protein or blood     d...  swelling in the face, hands, or legs
5.... Every couple thinks just to conceive but they will not take proper steps to avoid various kinds of birth defects.  It is the reason about 9 million world wide children are taking birth as defective.
6...  Every birth defect can be avoided with your healthy habits and positive thinking
7...  I advise every couple to follow healthy habits and be happy till delivery.

Brought to U .... http://successgain.us


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