Reproduction of Human Beings- Male

Reproduction of Human Beings- Male

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Reproduction of Human Beings- Male
Posted in 2013
Reproduction in human beings is by sexual reproduction where both the male and female gametes fertilize to give rise to an embryo. The fertilization of human embryo occurs inside the body of the female. Thus, it is called Internal Fertilization. Human Beings are viviparous organisms who give rise to Embryos directly instead of laying eggs. Let us understand a little more about the male and female reproductive organs and the process of fertilization in them.
Male Reproductive System
Testes: Male humans have two testes. They are situated in a bag of skin known as the scrotum. Scrotum lies outside the pelvic cavity.
Sperm Duct: These are thin ducts that arise from the testes.
Prostrate Gland: This gland is an accessory gland in males which pours its secretions into the sperm duct along with the seminal fluid from the testes and into the penis.
Urethra: Functions as a common pathway for the seminal fluid and urine in males. It is longer in males and shorter in females.
Penis: Is an organ which lies outside the body and functions to eliminate both urine and semen.
The testes are the primary organs of male reproduction. They are responsible for producing the male gamete known as the sperm by a process called as spermatogenesis. This occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. The testes are also responsible for secreting the male reproductive hormone testosterone.
Laydig Cells of the testes synthesizes Testosterone. The hormone testosterone not only helps in the formation of the sperm but also in the development of secondary sexual characters in males such as deepening of the voice, facial and pubic hair during puberty.
My advise
1...   Reproduction is the process by which organisms make more organisms like themselves. But even though the reproductive system is essential to keeping a species alive, unlike other body systems, it's not essential to keeping an individual alive.
2....  In the human reproductive process, two kinds of sex cells, or gametes (pronounced: GAH-meetz), are involved. The male gamete, or sperm, and the female gamete, the egg or ovum, meet in the female's reproductive system. When sperm fertilizes (meets) an egg, this fertilized egg is called a zygote (pronounced: ZYE-goat). The zygote goes through a process of becoming an embryo and developing into a fetus.
3...   Humans, like other organisms, pass some characteristics of themselves to the next generation. We do this through our genes, the special carriers of human traits. The genes that parents pass along are what make their children similar to others in their family, but also what make each child unique. These genes come from the male's sperm and the female's egg.
4....  The male has reproductive organs, or genitals, that are both inside and outside the pelvis. The male genitals include:
a.....  the testicles (pronounced: TESS-tih-kulz)
b...    the duct system, which is made up of the epididymis and the vas deferens
c...    the accessory glands, which include the seminal vesicles and prostate gland
d..     the penis
5...    In a guy who has reached sexual maturity, the two oval-shaped testicles, or testes (pronounced: TESS-teez) make and store millions of tiny sperm cells.
6...    Alongside the testicles are the epididymis and the vas deferens, which transport sperm. The epididymis (pronounced: ep-uh-DID-uh-miss) and the testicles hang in a pouch-like structure outside the pelvis called the scrotum. This bag of skin helps to regulate the temperature of testicles, which need to be kept cooler than body temperature to produce sperm. The scrotum changes size to maintain the right temperature. When the body is cold, the scrotum shrinks and becomes tighter to hold in body heat. When it's warm, it gets larger and floppier to get rid of extra heat. This happens without a guy ever having to think about it. The brain and the nervous system give the scrotum the cue to change size.
7..    If you have positive attitude at the time of your union you will have a child with positive attitude.  At the time your union what ever thoughts you have in your mind you will find in your child.  For giving birth to a child with positive attitude you should practice positive thinking before your union.
8..    For giving birth to healthy child drink sufficient water and eat healthy food containing all needed nutrient
Brought to U ...


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