Trying to conceive

Trying to conceive

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Trying to conceive
Posted in 2014

Now that you're trying to conceive, it's time to overhaul your eating habits. Here are the foods and nutrients you need most.
You don’t have to wait until you’re pregnant to start eating well for your baby. In fact, following a healthy diet before you conceive can boost your fertility and lower the risk of birth defects like spina bifida. Plus, shoring up what you eat now can help you transition to a smoother pregnancy once baby is on board. Use this nutrition guide to plan out your meals.
Preconception nutrition research has shown that food and healthy nutrition are tied to fertility health in both women and men.  Additionally, there are substances that can hinder fertility.
Z inc – a nutrient that contributes to semen and testosterone production in men, and ovulation and fertility in women. There are several studies that indicate that deficiencies in zinc affect both male and female fertility. Maintaining the recommended dietary allowance of zinc (15 mg a day) can help keep your reproductive system functioning well.
Maintaining a diet composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains  and dairy products should provide you with the recommended dietary allowance of vitamins and minerals for proper reproductive functioning.
Begin making healthy changes 3 months to a year before you conceive. Evidence shows that healthy nutrition and fertility is linked in both men and women. Below is a list of suggestions for healthy nutrition prior to conception
My advise
1....  You need following nutrient to conceive
a....  Folic Acid: The U.S. Public Health Service recommends that women of childbearing age obtain 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) of folate or folic acid each day. This B vitamin helps reduce a baby’s risk of neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida. If your family has a history of neural tube defects, your doctor may increase your daily intake. Folic acid may be obtained naturally through leafy, dark green vegetables (i.e. spinach), citrus fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains, and fortified bread and cereals. These foods can be supplemented with a prenatal vitamin which usually contains 800mcg of folic acid.
b....   It is recommended that women get at least 1,000 mg (three 8 oz glasses of skim milk) of calcium a day if they are considering getting pregnant. Calcium may be obtained from natural sources 
c....    Supplements & Vitamins: In addition to a healthy diet, many healthcare providers will encourage you to take supplements to increase the probability that you get all the nutrients you need. NatalSure is one of the many supplements available that will provide the nutrients you need to help achieve conception.
2....   You need to avoid : It is important to wean yourself off of caffeine (including chocolate), as research has shown that more than 200-300 milligrams of caffeine per day may reduce fertility by 27 percent. Caffeine also hinders the body’s ability to absorb iron and calcium.  
3...    Avoid alcohol and tobacco products
4...    Avoid Artificial sweeteners
5..     You will get every nutrient you need to conceive are available in your healthy food which have no side effects or reactions
6...     The should be happy to have a healthy child

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