Birth defect .. Enlarged liver

Birth defect .. Enlarged liver

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Birth defect .. Enlarged liver
Posted on 7th November 2019

Dr. Gitesh sent this photo  to me n stated Good morning sir
One case Birth defect .....
Sarita Barik 5 month . Koilanga Raigarh Chhattisgarh ......
Premature delivery in 7.5 month having 1.4 kg after birth baby has no any problems about feeding toilet , urine out put etc . Now she is 4.4 kg But having birth defect that she have big liver ( liver is increase too much ) serum bilirubin test is high ......
See my analysis
Premature birth:::
1..... Birth is considered premature, or preterm, when it occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy. A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks.
Causes:::  It may be cause any of the following
a....  Diabetes     b... High blood pressure
c..    Poor nutrition food during pregnancy
d...   Heart problems   e.. an abnormal uterus
f.......any infections      g...any other
2...... Bilirubin is a yellowish substance in your blood. It forms after red blood cells break down, and it travels through your liver, gallbladder, and digestive tract before being excreted.
Typically, bilirubin levels fall somewhere between 0.3 and 1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Anything above 1.2 mg/dL is usually considered high.
The condition of having high bilirubin levels is called hyper bilirubinemia. It’s usually a sign of an underlying condition, so it’s important to follow up with a doctor if test results show you have high bilirubin
Many babies are also born with high bilirubin, causing a condition called newborn jaundice. This causes yellow-tinted skin and eyes. It happens because, at birth, the liver often isn’t yet fully able to process bilirubin. This is a temporary condition that usually resolves on its own within a few weeks.
If you have high bilirubin, your symptoms will depend on the underlying cause. You can have mildly high bilirubin and have no symptoms at all. Or, with moderately high bilirubin, you may only have jaundice, a yellow cast to your eyes and skin. Jaundice is the main sign of high bilirubin levels.

My advise
1...    Liver disease in early infancy encompasses a wide spectrum of conditions, including infectious, metabolic, and hematologic disorders, congenital vascular and heart diseases, drug-related toxicity, hypoxia, and gestational alloimmune liver disease associated with neonatal hemochromatosis (GALD-NH). Congenital cirrhosis is a rare disorder of the liver and is defined as cirrhosis identified at or shortly after birth .
2..... GALD-NH, previously known as neonatal hemochromatosis, typically presents as subacute fetal liver injury and/or congenital cirrhosis. Liver injury begins during intrauterine life and most patients with GALD-NH show signs of fetal disease. Infants are often hypoglycemic and present with coagulopathy, hypoalbuminemia, jaundice, and edema within the first few hours to days after birth.   GALD-NH was once considered a lethal disease. However, neonatal treatment with exchange transfusion and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has now reduced the need for liver transplantation (LTx) and improved the prognosis. Despite this strategy, GALD-NH is still associated with high perinatal morbidity and mortality rates . The diagnosis of GALD-NH remains challenging and requires a high grade of suspicion.
3....   Some of the more common symptoms Bilirubin:
a...    abdominal pain or swelling   
b...    chills.       c...   fever    .   
d....   chest pain      e... weakness
f......  .light headedness  g.  fatigue
h...     nausea      i..  vomiting
j....     unusually dark urine
4..... The liver is an important organ in the body. It performs many critical functions, two of which are producing substances required by the body, for example, clotting proteins that are necessary in order for blood to clot, and removing toxic substances that can be harmful to the body, for example, such as drugs
5....  .The liver also has an important role in regulating the supply of glucose (sugar) and lipids (fat) that the body uses as fuel. In order to perform these critical functions, the liver cells must be working normally, and they must have a close proximity to the blood because the substances that are added or removed by the liver are transported to and from the liver by the blood.
6.....  The child face this problem due to 
a       unhealthy food of mother during pregnancy
b...    If mother during pregnancy consumes alcohols or tobacco products or unhealthy food the child may face liver problem by birth
7....   If a child birth is premature some of his body parts and brain not developed before birth.  The child may be defective either mentally or physically
8.......Child may to face   a.. trouble breathing
b....    inability to maintain a constant body temperature
c.....    less activity than normal
d.....   movement and coordination problems
9....  I advise every woman to  avoid unhealthy food, alcohols or tobacco products during pregnancy
Brought to U....


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