Complications of Conjoined Twin Pregnancy

Complications of Conjoined Twin Pregnancy

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Complications of Conjoined Twin Pregnancy
Posted on  23rd November 2016

Scientists says about conjoined births

Between January 2002 and June 2009, we reviewed the database and medical records of 857 twin pregnancies, including 140 monochorionic twins. Nineteen monochorionic-monoamniotic twin pregnancies were detected, four of which were complicated by conjoined twins

Of these 4 cases, 2 were complicated by thoracopagus and one had thoraco-omphalopagus; these three cases underwent termination at 16, 11, and 19 weeks gestation, respectively. The last case was diagnosed as a pygopagus tetrapus parasitic twin at 28 weeks gestation. The family decided to continue the pregnancy, and achieved a successful outcome with elective surgery postpartum.
Conjoined twins are an uncommon and complex complication of monozygotic gestations, which is associated with high perinatal mortality. The early prenatal diagnosis of conjoined twins allows improved counseling about the management options, including maintenance of pregnancy with surgery after delivery or termination of pregnancy.

Complications are synonymous with a conjoined twin pregnancy. The worst complication that may arise is a stillbirth, either inside the womb or after birth. Another aspect that may create problems is the delivery of conjoined twins. Normal delivery should not be considered as it may lead to further complications. Caesarean delivery is a more viable option, and it may be planned way before the due date. It is also important that a team of medical experts is present at the time of birth to handle complex cases.
Apart from the medical complications, a conjoined twin pregnancy can be emotionally quite challenging for the would-be-parents. They are counselled properly to face all the challenges that may arise during pregnancy or after the birth of the twins
My advise
1...     Conjoined twins are thought to develop when an embryo does not fully separate to form two individual bodies. The reason for this lack of separation is not understood.
2.....  Because the cause of conjoined twins is not understood and because this condition is so rare, there are no known risk factors for having a conjoined twin pregnancy. If a woman has one conjoined twin pregnancy, she is not believed to be at increased risk for having conjoined twins in her next pregnancy.
3....    Conjoined twins are delivered by Cesarean section (C-section), typically at a somewhat earlier gestational age than full-term pregnancies
4....    The outlook for conjoined twins depends upon the extent and location of the fusion of body parts. In many pregnancies, conjoined twins die in utero or do not survive long after birth. Stillbirth affects about 40% of sets of conjoined twins.
5....    In other situations, the conjoined twins survive, and surgical separation may be successful in some females. The birth defects may be severe and life threatening, particularly after surgical separation, for some conjoined twins. Pregnancy risks for women carrying conjoined twins include polyhydramnios (excessive amniotic fluid), preterm birth, and fetal death (stillbirth).
6......  Normal delivery is very difficult for the mother
7.......   Ceasarean delivery also complicated and should be done by expert team of doctors.
8......    Prevent such births with your positive thinking
9...       Develop  n practice positive thinking before conceiving and continue till delivery
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