Types of congenital heart disease ...4

Types of congenital heart disease ...4

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Types of congenital heart disease ...4
Posted in 2016

Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetralogy of Fallot is a rare combination of several defects.
The defects making up tetralogy of Fallot are:
1....   ventricular septal defect – a hole between the left and right ventricle
2...    pulmonary valve stenosis – narrowing of the pulmonary valve
3...    right ventricular hypertrophy – where the muscle of the right ventricle is thickened
4....   overriding aorta – where the aorta isn't in its usual position coming out of the heart
As a result of this combination of defects, oxygenated and non-oxygenated blood mixes, causing the overall amount of oxygen in the blood to be lower than normal. This may cause the baby to appear blue (known as cyanosis) at times.
Every couple thinks to have child but no one knows how to avoid birth defect  and No body is  advising the couple to have healthy child.   So follow healthy habits and healthy food to have healthy child.  As I wish every couple should enjoy with their healthy child
My advise
1.... Every one on this earth takes 6 liters of Oxygen per minute
2... A conceived woman should consume minimum oxygen for her body needs so that her child body receives sufficient oxygen to open all heart cells, brain cells etc...
3... Consumption of oxygen of mother is depend upon food...So mother during her pregnancy should avoid heavy, oily, non Vegetarian etc.. food
4... If the child receives sufficient oxygen all his heart cells will be opened before birth.
Brought to U .... http://successgain.us.


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