
Showing posts from January, 2018

Birth defects and causes......4

Birth defects and causes......4 Brought to U....     and In USA birth defects statistics taken from CDC  you can see from link Please also see the birth defects statistics and causes My Advice 1.  Most of birth defects can be avoided if couple develop positive thoughts before conceiving example..Blind births, mentally handicapped 2.  Some birth defects can be avoided if the couple follow Healthy life style  example...some physical defects such as bone defective, brain etc.. 3.  Some birth defects can be avoided with Healthy food.  I explained each nutrient clearly. 4.  Follow Positive thinking, Healthy life style and healthy food 5.  Wait to enjoy with

Birth defects and causes......3

Birth defects and causes......3 Brought to U....     and 6...   What are different types of Birth defects? There are two main types of birth defects: structural and functional/developmental. Structural birth defects are related to a problem with body parts. Some physical problems include cleft lip or cleft palate, heart defects, such as missing or misshaped valves, and abnormal limbs, such as a club foot. They also include neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, problems that are related to the growth and development of the brain and spinal cord. Functional birth defects are related to a problem with how a body part or body system works. These problems often lead to developmental disabilities and can include things such as: Nervous system or brain problems - such as learning disabilities, mental retardation, behavioral disorders, speech or language difficulties, convulsions, and movement trouble. Some examples

Birth defects and causes......2

Birth defects and causes......2 Brought to U....     and 4...    Birth defects and facts *Birth defects facts by John P. Cunha, DO, FACOE Birth defects are structural or functional abnormalities present at birth that cause physical or mental disability. They are the leading cause of death for infants during the first year of life. Birth defects may be caused by genetic problems, problems with chromosomes, or environmental factors. Structural birth defects are related to a problem with body parts such as cleft lip or cleft palate, heart defects such as missing or misshaped valves, abnormal limbs such as a club foot, and neural tube defects such as spina bifida Functional birth defects are related to a problem with how a body part or body system works. These problems often lead to developmental disabilities and can include things such as nervous system or brain problems, sensory problems, metabolic disorders, and degenerat

Birth defects and causes......1

Birth defects and causes......1 Brought to U....     and Birth defects  facts*  Birth defects  are structural or functional  abnormalities  present at  birth  that  cause  physical or mental disability. They are the leading  cause  of death for infants during the first year of life.  Birth defects  may be caused by genetic problems, problems with chromosomes, or environmental factors. Couple should Develop Positive thoughts before conceiving will avoid birth defects and they should follow Healthy food which contains all needed nutrients.. 1.... Types of Common Birth defects Defects that may be detected through prenatal screening include: neural tube defects (spina bifida, anencephaly) Down syndrome and other chromosome abnormalities. inherited metabolic disorders. congenital heart defects. gastrointestinal and kidney malformations. cleft lip or palate. certain birth defects of the limbs These can include: C

Zinc deficiency during pregnancy...4

Zinc deficiency during pregnancy...4 Brought to U....     and 8...    Should you take a zinc supplement? If you're not already getting enough from your diet, your  prenatal vitamin supplement will most likely provide all the zinc you need. Most people who eat meat and have a reasonably well-balanced diet get plenty of zinc. But if you eat a mostly vegetarian diet, you may have a hard time getting enough zinc from food alone because it's harder to absorb the mineral from plant foods – you may want to ask your healthcare provider if you need a zinc supplement.    Too much zinc can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In fact, the National Academy of Sciences, the group that sets the recommended daily amounts for the government,  9...     The signs of a zinc deficiency Deficiencies in the United States are rare, but it can cause impaired sense of smell or taste, a loss of appetite, failure

Zinc deficiency during pregnancy...3

Zinc deficiency during pregnancy...3 Brought to U....     and 5...   Zinc Benefits Zinc is the second most important essential trace mineral after iron, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. However, the body only needs a small amount, and serious deficiencies are rare in developed countries. During pregnancy, supplementation may be beneficial in cases of severe deficiency. In a 2001 study by researchers from the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Bangladesh, low-birth-weight infants whose mothers received zinc supplements during pregnancy had a decreased risk of conditions including acute diarrhea, dysentery and impetigo. 6...   Zinc Dosage Food is the best way to obtain zinc during pregnancy, and also the safest. Foods that contain zinc include red meat, poultry, cheese, shrimp and legumes. According to Medline Plus, zinc supplements are likely safe during pregnancy, as long as they

Zinc deficiency during pregnancy...2

Zinc deficiency during pregnancy...2 Brought to U....     and 4....    Zinc supplementation during pregnancy Zinc is an essential mineral known to be important for many biological functions including protein synthesis, cellular division and nucleic acid metabolism.    Severe zinc deficiency is rare in humans, but mild to moderate deficiency may be common, especially in populations with low consumption of zinc-rich animal-source foods and high intakes of foods rich in phytates, which inhibit zinc absorption t is estimated that over 80% of pregnant women worldwide have inadequate zinc intake , consuming on average 9.6 mg zinc per day, well below the recommended minimum daily levels for the last two trimesters of pregnancy in settings of low zinc bio availability. It has been suggested that maternal zinc deficiency may compromise infant development and lead to poor birth outcomes. Low plasma zinc concentrations reduce placenta

Zinc deficiency during pregnancy...1

Zinc deficiency during pregnancy...1 Brought to U....     and Zinc deficiency in pregnancy  and fetal outcome. ... Maternal  zinc deficiency during pregnancy  has been related to adverse effects on progeny, and there are data showing that mild to moderate  zinc deficiency  (as assessed by available indicators) is quite common  in  the developing world. 1...   Can you take zinc while pregnant? According to Medline Plus,  zinc supplements  are likely  safe during pregnancy , as long as they do not exceed the Recommended Daily Allowance.  Women  over age 18 should not  take  more than 40 mg per day, or 35 mg for  women  under 18. 2...     Why does a pregnant woman need zinc? Getting enough  zinc  is especially important  during pregnancy  because there's so much rapid cell growth. This essential mineral also helps support your immune system, maintain your senses of taste and smell, and heal wounds. 3....       Ho

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy...4

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy...4 Brought to U....     and 9...   Are There Any Side Effects To Magnesium Supplements? The chance of consuming too much magnesium during pregnancy through food is slim. But when you use supplements, you run the risk of magnesium overdose. Here are some side effects that come with magnesium supplements. 1. Diarrhea and dehydration: Magnesium supplements can cause intestinal irritation in some pregnant women. This can lead to diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and appetite loss. Untreated diarrhea can even lead to dehydration – a serious concern during pregnancy. If you are on magnesium supplements and are experiencing diarrhea for two to three days, talk to your doctor. 2. Stomach upset: The last thing you need during pregnancy is nausea and vomiting – morning sickness provides enough of that! But magnesium intake can lead to digestive issues that mimic morning sickness. These symptoms su

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy...3

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy...3 Brought to U....     and  6....   Effects Of Magnesium On The Baby Research studies have revealed that intake of magnesium during pregnancy will either show a positive benefit or no benefit to the baby. Magnesium supplementation shows a beneficial effect on the growth of the fetus. Oral magnesium supplementation improves fetal circulation. Newborns who had better sleep and wake cycles came from mothers who had taken sufficient magnesium during pregnancy. 7....   How Much Magnesium Do You Need During Pregnancy? The recommended daily allowance of magnesium during pregnancy is 350 to 360 milligrams. If you are between 19 and 30 years, you require 350mg, and if you are 31 years and above, you need 360mg . Vomiting, nausea, and food aversions during pregnancy would make you deficient in magnesium. Therefore, supplementation is necessary apart from including magnesium-rich fo

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy...2

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy...2 Brought to U....     and   4...   Why Do Pregnant Women Need Magnesium? Your need for magnesium increases when you are pregnant. It is an essential mineral, performing different functions during pregnancy. It plays the role of insulin and thereby is required to maintain healthy blood sugar levels in the body . It helps build healthy teeth and bones and works in partnership with calcium. It also regulates cholesterol and irregular heartbeat. The physical and emotional stress also increases the need for magnesium. A severe deficiency of magnesium during pregnancy can lead to preeclampsia (high blood pressure and seizures), preterm labor, infant mortality, and congenital disabilities 5....    Why Is Magnesium Important During Pregnancy? Other than the primary reasons mentioned above, there are more ways in which magnesium works for you and your baby. Works in conjunction with

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy...1

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy...1  Brought to U....     and Tics, muscle spasms and cramps, seizures, anxiety, and irregular heart rhythms are among the classic signs and symptoms of low  magnesium . (A complete list of the symptoms of  magnesium deficiency follows.) “Sub-clinical” or “Latent” Symptoms 1...    What causes low magnesium in the body? Medications That Can  Cause Magnesium  Deficiency. Among the known  magnesium  deficiency  causes  are prescription medications such as diuretics, antibiotics, painkillers and cortisone, which can deplete  magnesium  levels in the body by impairing absorption or by increasing excretion by the kidneys. 2...        What are the causes of low magnesium? Alcoholism. Burns that affect a large area of the body. Chronic diarrhea. Excessive urination (polyuria), such as in uncontrolled diabetes and during recovery from acute kidney failure. High blood calcium level

Fibre deficiency during Pregnancy...4

Fiber deficiency during Pregnancy...4 Brought to U....     and   7...  Why do we need to eat fibre? It used to be called “roughage”, and people tried to get rid of it.  Now we have heard plenty about it, but why do we need fibre in our diet? Dietary fibre is actually a form of  carbohydrate that does not get digested by enzymes in our small intestine, and so its sugar units are not absorbed into the bloodstream.  Dietary fibre is therefore known as ‘non-glyceami"‘. However, fibre has important effects on other nutrients within the small intestine and through effects on the large intestine, where few other nutrients arrive intact.  It has a range of valuable health effects: Smooths out digestion and absorption of glucose and fats in the small intestine.  It reduces the Glycaemic index of a meal. Provides fuel for the healthful or  good bacteria in our large intestine  which in turn benefit us by making Vitamin