Poor sleep in Pregnancy causes pre-term or low birth weight

Poor sleep in Pregnancy causes pre-term or low birth weight

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Poor sleep in Pregnancy causes pre-term or low birth weight
Posted in 2014

Pregnancy can pose serious challenges to sleeping well. Poor quality and too little sleep are common during pregnancy, when many women experience fragmented sleep and symptoms of insomnia. Even women who don’t generally experience sleep problems find that during pregnancy they have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, as well as trouble getting enough sleep.
We talk a lot about sleep issues for new mothers. But new research suggests we should be paying more attention to the sleep health of expectant mothers as well.
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center found links between both the quality and quantity of pregnant women’s sleep and complications at birth, including low birth weight and pre-term births. The link between birth complications and expectant mothers’ sleep appears to be in disruptions to normal immune system function, caused by insufficient and low-quality sleep.
My advise
1...  Poor sleep in pregnancy may cause pre-term birth or low birth weight.
2..   Poor sleep in pregnancy may cause health problems to the mother as well as child.
3..   So sleep well to have healthy child

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