Your physical n emotional health effects on your child

Your physical n emotional health effects on your child

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Your physical n emotional health effects on your child
Posted in 2014

When you are pregnant, your baby is exposed to everything you experience. ... When you feel happy and calm, it allows your baby to develop in a happy, calm environment. However, emotions like stress and anxiety can increase particular hormones in your body, which can affect your baby's developing body and brain.

No matter what the situation, any parent can give their child a strong, healthy start. It begins with their choices made during the pregnancy.
The physical and emotional health of a fetus is shaped by the parents’ environment and their emotional well-being. That’s why it’s vital to feed loving, positive energy to the fetus throughout the pregnancy. Doing so helps ensure a happy, healthy, confident child.
I explained everything which will be helpful to you to have Healthy and Brilliant child...Most of the people will think that their child will learn after birth but the child's brain will start function and learning before birth. After birth the child will learn how his previous knowledge is improved...You can have a Brilliant child if you adopt positive thinking before conception...Every thing is in your hands for this you need not run here and there..

My advise
1......   When you are pregnant, your baby is exposed to everything you experience. This includes the sounds in the environment, the air you breathe, the food you eat and the emotions you feel.
2.....      When you feel happy and calm, it allows your baby to develop in a happy, calm environment. However, emotions like stress and anxiety can increase particular hormones in your body, which can affect your baby’s developing body and brain.
3....       From birth, the interactions you have with your baby helps to shape the way he or she will think, feel and behave later in life. These interactions also help to form important emotional bonds between you and your child.
4..........Good emotional health also helps to maintain positive relationships with your older children and other family. They can help support you and your partner through the challenges of adjusting to a new baby.
5....       Prenatal anger effects on the fetus and neonate. ... The high-anger women also had high scores on depression and anxiety scales. In a follow-up across pregnancy, the fetuses of the high-anger women were noted to be more active and to experience growth delays.
6....   One hundred and sixty-six women were classified as experiencing high or low anger during the second trimester of pregnancy. The high-anger women also had high scores on depression and anxiety scales. In a follow-up across pregnancy, the fetuses of the high-anger women were noted to be more active and to experience growth delays.
7....... The high-anger mothers' high prenatal cortisol and adrenaline and low dopamine and serotonin levels were mimicked by their neonates' high cortisol and low dopamine levels. The high-anger mothers and infants were also similar on their relative right frontal EEG activation and their low vagal tone.
8......   Finally, the newborns of high-anger mothers had disorganised sleep patterns (greater indeterminate sleep and more state changes) and less optimal performance on the Brazelton Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale (orientation, motor maturity and depression). These data highlight the need for prenatal intervention for elevated angry mood during pregnancy.
9...      I advise every couple not to over emotional or anger during pregnancy....   It will effect on child's brain due  to which his brain will be disturbed and the child  will not concentrate on anything after birth.  It makes the child poor in education and failure in his profession.
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