Semen analysis

Semen analysis

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Semen analysis
Posted in 2014

Semen analysis - check the sperm count, motility and morphology
This is a very simple and important test and should be done early in the evaluation process. Sometimes the test should be done 2, or even 3 times to get an accurate reflection of the numbers and their variation over time.
The most important parameters in a semen analysis are:
Concentration (often called "count") - how many sperm are in each ml of semen?
Motility - what percent of them are swimming forward?
Morphology - what percent of them are normally shaped?
Cutoff values for normal vary somewhat, depending on the lab and the interpreter.
The World Health Organization's 5th edition of "normal semen analysis" values are shown below
Semen Analysis Parameter Normal Values
Volume 1.5 ml or more
pH > or equal to 7.2
Sperm concentration 15,000,000/ml or more
Total motility 40% or more
Progressive motility 32% or more
Morphology 4% or more normal forms (Strict criteria)
Vitality 58% or more live
White blood cells Less than 1,000,000/ml
If a severe male factor defect is found, the amount of testing on the female is often reduced. Treatments, such as inseminations or in vitro fertilization can then be started more directly.
Generally every one says that their sperm count is normal but to have healthy child we should consider Sperm Count, Motility and Morphology.
I wish U to have Healthy child. Pl read all my blogs to solve your problems( if any) 

My advise
1.....    Motility may be evaluated on a semen analysis in the following ways:  a...Percentage motile: what percentage of all the sperm in a single ejaculate are moving.   b...Percentage motile concentration: what percentage of sperm are moving in one measurement of semen, usually presented as millions of cells per mL.   c.... Total motile sperm count (TMSC): how many sperm are swimming in a single ejaculate. This number has been shown to be most relevant to male fertility prognosis.   d...Average path velocity (VAP): the speed sperm are moving, measured in microns per second (μm/s.)
2....    Progressive Motility, Non-Progressive Motility, and Total Motility
It’s not only important how many sperm are moving, but also how they move.  a..Progressive motility refers to sperm that are swimming in a mostly straight line or in very large circles.  b..Non-progressive motility refers to sperm that move but don't make forward progression or swim in very tight circles.
For example, a sperm that just vibrates in place would be considered non-progressive. A sperm that zigzags but makes forward progression would be considered progressive.
Progressive motility is needed in order for the sperm to swim their way up the female reproductive tract.
Total motility refers to the percentage of sperm making any sort of movement. This movement can include non-progressive movement.
3...   Many Sperm Must Swim Properly
In a man with normal fertility, one ejaculate of semen may contain over 39 million sperm. Not all of those sperm, however, are expected to be completely healthy.
When it comes to sperm motility, for an ejaculate sample to be considered normal, at least 40 percent of the sperm should be motile, or moving. This can include non-progressive movement.
At least 32 percent of the sperm should show progressive motility.
A diagnosis of poor sperm motility is usually made based on the percentage of motile sperm. However, research has found that the total motile sperm count is a more relevant measurement.
4...  Sperm motility can be affected by a number of things. Usually, when sperm motility is poor, there are other problems found with sperm health.
For example, men with poor sperm motility may also have low sperm counts or poor sperm morphology (or sperm shape.) Sperm that aren't formed properly can't swim properly.
5...  Sperm motility may be harmed by exposure to chemicals, illness, exposure to heat or cold, bad health habits like smoking, or abnormalities of the male reproductive tract, like with a varicocele.
6...  Poor sperm motility may also occur if a man has infrequent sexual activity. In this case, if the first ejaculate collected showed poor motility, a second ejaculate collected soon after should be better.
7...  Note the above and follow healthy habits to conceive.
Brought to U....


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