Effects of mother's feelings on fetus .. Stress

Effects of mother's feelings on fetus .. Stress

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Effects of mother's feelings on fetus .. Stress
Posted in 2014

Stress experienced by a woman during pregnancy may affect her unborn baby as early as 17 weeks after conception, with potentially harmful effects on brain and development, according to new research. The study is the first to show that unborn babies are exposed to their mother's stress hormones at such an early stage in pregnancy.
The findings, published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology, come after separate research on animals showed that high levels of stress in a mother during pregnancy could affect brain function and behaviour in her offspring, and other evidence suggesting that maternal stress in humans can affect the developing child, including lowering its IQ.
However, the way this happens and the implications for the unborn child, both before and after birth, are still not fully understood and further research is needed, the latest study's authors said.
They said they did not wish to "unduly worry pregnant women", but highlighted the need to lead a "healthy, balanced lifestyle" to avoid general stress.
My  advise
1....      The baby charity Tommy's called on family, friends and employers of pregnant women to provide support and reassurance to help them reduce stress.
The findings, the latest to focus on the impact of the environment in the womb on later development, come days after the government changed its advice to pregnant women and those trying to conceive, warning them to abstain from drinking alcohol. Previous guidelines had said they could drink up to two small glasses of wine a week.
2....     The change in advice, which government health advisers said was made to avoid confusion, rather than in response to new medical evidence, prompted claims from some critics that pregnant women are increasingly becoming targets in an obsessively anti-risk culture
3....     Researchers in the latest study, led by Professor Vivette Glover at Imperial College London and the consultant obstetrician Pampa Sarkar, from Wexham Park hospital, Berkshire, measured levels of the stress hormone cortisol in 267 pregnant women. Cortisol, which is pumped into the blood when we become anxious, is good in the short term, as it helps the body to deal with a stressful situation, but long-term stress can cause tiredness, depression and make an individual more prone to illness.
4....      Scientists sampled blood from the mother and amniotic fluid from around the fetus in the womb and found that, at a gestational age of 17 weeks or greater, higher cortisol levels in the mother's blood were reflected in higher levels in the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is mainly produced by the fetus and is a good indicator of its exposure to a range of substances, including hormones.
5.....     Dr Sarkar said further research was needed into how high levels of stress in a mother affect the unborn baby. "We are all a product of our developmental history," she added. "One of the times when we are most susceptible to the influences of our surrounding environment is when we are developing as a fetus.
6.....     When mother suffers from high level stress continue it will impact on child's brain due to his brain cells will not develop properly n become mentally retarded.
7...       I advise the couple should be happy till delivery.
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