Sperm Count vs. Sperm Motility:

Sperm Count vs. Sperm Motility: 

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Sperm Count vs. Sperm Motility: 
Posted in 2014

The definition of motility is the ability of an organism or fluid to move. Sperm motility refers to the movement and swimming of sperm.
Poor sperm motility means that the sperm do not swim properly, which can lead to male infertility. Poor sperm motility is also known as asthenozoospermia
A normal sperm count ranges from 15 million sperm to more than 200 million sperm per milliliter (mL) of semen. Anything less than 15 million sperm per milliliter, or 39 million sperm per ejaculate, is considered low.
Total sperm count in ejaculate: 39–928 million
Sperm concentration: 15–259 million per mL
Ejaculate volume: 1.5–7.6 mL

Sperm morphology: 4–48 percent

Why You Should Care- Infertility in Male
When a man and woman are on their journey of trying for a baby, they become students of all things related to fertility and conception. One important component of that education is understanding sperm count and sperm motility. When a man has a semen analysis to determine the health of his sperm, you might hear many terms, such as sperm count, sperm morphology (the percentage of sperm that have a normal shape), sperm motility and even ejaculate white blood cell count.
Why should you care about the levels for these measurements? What do some of these numbers mean? And which is more important, sperm count or sperm motility, or both?
I tried to educate all young couples on egg or sperm...Note the causes and
solve your problem (if any) with your Healthy food, healthy life style etc...as your body is Natural. No need to wander here and there....Just follow healthy food, healthy life style etc...everything will be solved. 

My advise
1.....  Sperm are motile cells. This means that they are cells that make themselves move. This is important when it comes to getting pregnant.   Usually, when a man and woman have vaginal sexual intercourse, the man will ejaculate semen near the cervical canal, at the end of the vaginal canal.
2....   Sperm are programmed to swim in a way that will hopefully reach their ultimate destination: the ovulated egg.  While the egg is moved along from the ovary into the fallopian tube by tiny hair-like projections called cilia, the egg itself doesn't swim. It is more or less floats its way into and through the fallopian tubes with the help of the cilia.  Sperm, on the other hand, move themselves. They must swim up from the cervical canal, into and through the uterus, and, eventually, into the fallopian tube. This is where they will hopefully meet up with an ovulated egg. Once there, the sperm must fertilize the egg, which also requires movement.
3....   Motility is just one measurement of sperm (and semen) health. Other factors considered during a semen analysis include:   a...Semen volume (in milliliters (ml), or how much ejaculate there is)    b...Total sperm count (33 to 46 million sperm on average)   c....Sperm concentration (how many sperm are in one ml of ejaculate)    d...Vitality (percentage of live sperm)    e...Sperm morphology (the shape of the sperm)    f....Time to liquefaction (ejaculate is thick when it’s released, and then liquefies within 20 to 30 minutes)     g...Semen pH (semen that is too acidic can kill sperm)    h...White blood cells (a very high count can indicate infection)   
4....   If you’re trying to conceive naturally, a healthy sperm count is often necessary. Even though it only takes one sperm and one egg to get pregnant, more healthy sperm will increase your chances of pregnancy each month.
5....  Even if you aren’t trying to conceive, your sperm count may be an important measure of overall health. One study found men with a low sperm count were more likely to have a higher percentage of body fat (bigger waistline and higher BMI) and higher blood pressure than men with higher sperm counts. They also experienced a higher frequency of metabolic syndrome, or higher chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
6,,,   Smoking, alcohol ...............may diminish sperm count and sperm health.  Quit these habits (if you have)
7...   Follow healthy habits, healthy food to overcome this problem.  
8...   Be happy with your life partner.

Broought to U..... http:://successgain.us


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