Chewing Tobacco May Harm Sperm

Chewing Tobacco May Harm Sperm

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Chewing Tobacco May Harm Sperm
Posted in 2015

Tobacco chewing constitutes one of the forms of smokeless tobacco. In the United States, smokeless tobacco consumption has increased threefold, and manufacturing output grew 8 years in a row as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1993. Estimates of smokeless tobacco users in the United States range from 6 million to 22 million . A national survey conducted on 5,894 college and university students from different regions of the United States revealed that 8%–15% of the students used smokeless tobacco . Moreover, a recent study has identified that 14.8% of male high school students in the United States were current users in 2001. The habit appears to be very common among specific population groups. As an example, lower-income black and white men regularly chew tobacco more so than upperincome classes. The habit also appears to be common in young amateur and professional baseball athletes and in other parts of the world, such as India, China, and the southeast Asia region . In India, chewing tobacco is systematically associated with socioeconomic markers at the individual and household level. Individuals with no education are 2.69 times more likely to smoke and chew tobacco than those with a postgraduate education. In general, smokeless tobacco is substantially less harmful than smoking . A meta-analysis showed that tobacco chewing increases the risk of respiratory tract cancers minimally . It is also true that tobacco chewing is associated with a lower risk for adverse cardiovascular effects than is smoking . However, the habit has been strongly associated with oral malignant diseases and is considered the most important risk factor for multiple oral premalignant lesions.
Chewing Tobacco May Harm Sperm
Men who chew tobacco may be doing harm to their reproductive health, says a group of doctors in a new, international study.1
"The main drive of our study was to direct the public attention towards an important side effect of tobacco chewing," explained study leader Ashok Agarwal, PhD, at the Cleveland Clinic's Glickman Urological Institute, in an interview with Priority Healthcare. "For the first time, we describe the negative effects of tobacco chewing on male fertility. This correlation is of considerable importance, as tobacco chewing is very common among young males who are in the reproductive age group."
Not only smoking but consuming any kind of Tobocco products may cause infertility in Men... So leave this habit. 
My advise
1.......   The relationship between tobacco consumption and male infertility remains controversial. A number of studies have shown that smoking detrimentally affects sperm concentration, motility, and morphology and damages DNA . In addition, cigarette smoking has been correlated with poor sperm function . On the other hand, a handful of studies have found no association between smoking and sperm quality  or sperm function .
2...       An increasing number of reports suggest that chemical and physical agents in the environment may affect male fertility in humans. Scientific and public concern exists about the potential reproductive health effects of tobacco consumption. Little is known about the effect of tobacco chewing on male reproduction. Thus, the objective of our study was to evaluate the relationship between tobacco chewing and sperm quality in male partners of infertile couples undergoing infertility evaluation.
3.....    MATERIALS AND METHODS The medical charts of patients attending the infertility clinic at the Karthekeya Medical Research and Diagnostic Center in Mumbai, India, were reviewed. Our study included 638 male partners of infertile couples undergoing infertility evaluation from November 1998 to December 2003. All participants provided informed consent. The patients’ ages ranged from 18 to 40 years. All had a history of tobacco chewing of 4–10 years’ duration but no other relevant social habits. Patients were grouped according to the frequency of their habit of tobacco chewing: mild ( 3 times/day, n 177), moderate (3–6 times/day, n 264), and severe (6 times/day, n 197). Semen analysis was performed manually according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standard guidelines. Azoospermia was diagnosed if sperm were completely absent in the ejaculate; oligozoospermia if sperm concentration was  106 /mL  asthenozoospermia if 50% of sperm were progressively motile; and teratozoospermia if 30% of sperm had abnormal forms
4.....     Statistical Analysis Comparisons between the three groups were performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and unpaired t test was used for comparisons between two groups. All hypothesis testing was two-tailed with a significance level of .05. Calculations were performed with GraphPad InStat version 3.00 statistical software (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA).
5,,,,      RESULTS Sperm parameters were significantly higher in samples from men in the mild group compared to moderate, and in the moderate compared to the severely addicted group (Table 1). Semen samples from men with a mild tobacco chewing habit had normal sperm count, motility, morphology, and viability according to the WHO standards (23). On the other hand, samples from men in the moderate and severe groups were characterized by teratozoospermia
6........  The percentage of azoospermia observed in the mild, moderate, and severe tobacco chewing groups was 1% (2/ 177), 3% (8/264), and 14% (28/197), respectively, indicating an increase in prevalence in the severely addicted group.
7.....    When men with normal sperm count, motility, and viability from the three study groups were compared, the values of sperm parameters were significantly lower in the men with a severe tobacco chewing habit versus the moderate group and in the moderate versus the mild group. The presence of normal sperm count, motility, and viability was associated with normal sperm morphology in the mild tobacco chewing group. In contrast, samples with normal sperm count, motility, and viability were characterized by teratozoospermia in the moderate and severe tobacco chewing groups
8.....    I advise all male to avoid chewing tobacco products

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