Thyroid causes Irregular periods 4

Thyroid causes Irregular periods 4

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Thyroid causes Irregular periods 4
Posted in 2015

Thyroid causes Irregular periods 4
Most of woman neglect their periods problem due to various reasons such as education, profession or other. At the time of conceiving problem they visit to various hospitals for solution. Finally they will test their thyroid gland.
God has created our body to function well for 100 years provided we follow healthy habits. Till today no health specialist or doctor explain healthy habits, to protect Thyroid Gland. I am receiving various messages around world how to solve their period problem, thyroid problem so that to have Healthy child. Let me discuss one by one.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism vary widely; some people have no symptoms, while others have dramatic symptoms or, rarely, life-threatening symptoms. The symptoms of hypothyroidism are notorious for being nonspecific and for mimicking many of the normal changes of aging. Usually, symptoms are milder when hypothyroidism develops gradually. Symptoms, when caused by hypothyroidism, generally are related to the degree of hypothyroidism. Many patients with mild hypothyroidism are identified on screening tests for potential hypothyroid symptoms but have few or no symptoms that ultimately are attributed to hypothyroidism or respond to treatment of hypothyroidism. In contrast, patients with moderate to severe hypothyroidism are usually symptomatic and improve significantly with thyroid hormone replacement.
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