Vision impairment ... Blind births

Vision impairment ... Blind births

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Vision impairment ... Blind births
Posted in 2015
Why the child born with less vision or partially/fully blind?As of 2012 there were 285 million people who were visually impaired of which 246 million had low vision and 39 million were blind.The majority of people with poor vision are in the developing world and are over the age of 50 years.Rates of visual impairment have decreased since the 1990s.Visual impairments have considerable economic costs both directly due to the cost of treatment and indirectly due to decreased ability to work
Scientific Reasons: Cataracts, Glaucoma. Infections, Injuries, poisoning, Diabetes etc....
Medical Astrological Reasons : 2nd and 12 the represent right eye and left eye for the male ....left eye and right eye for the female. If the
these house(s) defected partially or completely represent less or partial vision or blindness.
The statistical data of US according to State in 2015
State Distribution
The number of non-institutionalized, male or female, all ages, all races, regardless of ethnicity, with all education levels in the United States reported to have a visual disability in 2015.
Alabama 148,600
Alaska 13,400
Arizona 161,400
Arkansas 102,000
California 763,800
Colorado 101,700
Connecticut 61,100
Delaware 17,600
District of Columbia 16,900
Florida 486,400
Georgia 262,800
Hawaii 22,700
Idaho 38,100
Illinois 236,100
Indiana 156,300
Iowa 59,400
Kansas 59,300
Kentucky 138,800
Louisiana 134,400
Maine 27,400
Maryland 108,700
Massachusetts 124,100
Michigan 221,400
Minnesota 85,000
Mississippi 93,600
Missouri 147,400
Montana 19,400
Nebraska 39,500
Nevada 108,400
New Hampshire 25,700
New Jersey 162,800
New Mexico 64,400
New York 387,900
North Carolina 269,600
North Dakota 12,800
Ohio 275,600
Oklahoma 124,100
Oregon 99,400
Pennsylvania 300,000
Rhode Island 19,600
South Carolina 147,000
South Dakota 15,500
Tennessee 203,800
Texas 655,500
Utah 51,000
Vermont 13,400
Virginia 168,100
Washington 162,800
West Virginia 71,100
Wisconsin 97,300
Wyoming 14,200
Puerto Rico 207,100
My advise
1.... As far as my knowledge is concerned there is no medical precautions to avoid blind births.
2.. Once the child born blind he has to live in this world without seeing his parents, relatives or the nature. I feel it is very sad.
3... If couple develop positive thinking before conceiving can avoid blind births.
4... I wish every couple couple should have Healthy and Brilliant child without blind.
Brought to U ....


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