Higher risk of dehydration in your pregnancy

Higher risk of dehydration in your pregnancy

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Higher risk of dehydration in your pregnancy
Posted in 2016

People are at higher risk of dehydration if they exercise at a high intensity, have certain medical conditions, are sick, or are not able to get enough fluids during the day. Older adults are also at higher risk. As you get older, your brain may not be able to sense dehydration and send the signals for thirst.
You may need to increase the amount of water you are drinking if you:
Have certain medical conditions, such as kidney stones or bladder infection
Are pregnant or breastfeeding
Will be outside during hot weather
Will be exercising
Have a fever
Have been vomiting or have diarrhea
Are trying to lose weight
Pregnant woman should take care of her body and unborn child body
not to affect her child from dehydration.
My advise
1... When you become dehydrated, your body begins exhibiting certain signs. It’s important that you’re able to recognize them.
2...     Maternal overheating can be a common sign of dehydration. If you aren’t drinking enough water, your body may have trouble regulating heat. This makes you prone to overheating.
3...     During pregnancy, this is especially worrisome. Water is used to form the placenta, which passes nutrients to your growing baby. It’s also used in the amniotic sac. Dehydration during pregnancy can result in very serious   complications, including:   a....neural tube defects   b..low amniotic fluid     c...premature labor     d....poor production of breast milk    e...birth defects
4......  Your body is using water in greater amounts during your pregnancy. Dehydration is automatically a concern if you aren’t taking care to replace lost fluids.
5.....   If you’re dealing with morning sickness that makes it difficult to keep anything down, dehydration becomes even more likely. Vomiting can lead to a lack of fluids and electrolytes, plus the loss of stomach acid.
6.....   Causes of dehydration  ...   a.. vigorous exercise, particularly if the weather is warm   b...intense diarrhea   c....vomiting    d...fever  e....excessive sweating     
 f..not drinking enough water
7...     To prevent above problems drink sufficient water.
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