All animals are conceiving naturally

All animals are conceiving naturally

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All animals are conceiving naturally
Posted in 2013

All animals conceiving naturally but we are suffering for giving birth to our child. God has designed the every animal different from each other. Their body, nature and digestion is different from each other. He stored all require nutrients in our nature in plants, trees ect... According to their body every animal picked their food from the nature, Beside it they require sufficient Oxygen. All trees exhale or emit oxygen in the nature. Without knowledge every animal is taking oxygen through breathing. The God has also created water on this Globe in the form of See, River etc. Next to oxygen water is second important. Every animal is drinking water as required and the last one is healthy food which stored in the nature as said above. They take as required.
They follow their body requirements. 1... They breath oxygen 2... They drink water and 3... they eat the food according to their body structure. Every animal digestion system is different from other. Accordingly they take their food.. No animal is facing Infertility problem.
When we have the same parts and functions are also similar but our digestion system is different so we have to follow our healthy food. But most of us are not following healthy food due to which we are facing infertility problems.
I have received thousands of mails asking me various questions and I answered to them. I wish to tell all the aspirant couples to give birth to HEALTHYCHILD around the GLOBE. You might not have seen that any animal have consulted any specialists or other for their INFERTILITY PROBLEMS. Our body structure is similar to animal that is the reason that Human beings are included under the subject ZOOLOGY. What ever the parts they have similar parts we have. The only difference they have 4 legs –we have two hands and two legs. The other thing is we can think what is the best - they cannot think. God before creating animals (including us) he created all trees, plants etc.. and filled all minerals ,nutrients, proteins, vitamins etc.. in food grains, vegetables, fruits, leaves etc.. the animals picked their food from it and living happily till the last breath. God has gifted us along with animals to give birth to children by taking the food from the nature, breathing air, drinking water... all animals are following nature's principle i.e Healthy Life style, Healthy food etc.. and giving birth to their child without any effort... we are not following nature's principle and we are suffering from Infertility Problems. Please follow nature's principles and have Healthy child. Please read the following explained to lot of couples
My advise
1... Every one need to conceive
a... Taking an antioxidant supplement or eating antioxidant-rich foods can improve fertility rates, especially among men with infertility.
b...   Some studies suggest that eating more calories at breakfast and less at your evening meal can improve fertility
c...   To boost fertility levels, avoid foods high in trans fats. Eat foods rich in healthy fats instead, such as extra virgin olive oil.
2....   Lower-carb diets may help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce insulin levels and encourage fat loss, all while helping menstrual regularity 
One large observational study found that as carb intake increased, the risk of infertility also increased
In the study, women who ate more carbs had a 78% greater risk of ovulatory infertility than those who followed a lower-carb diet
3....  Another small study among overweight and obese women with PCOS reported that eating a low-carb diet reduced hormone levels, such as insulin and testosterone, both of which can contribute to infertility 
4....  Refined carbs may be especially problematic.  Refined carbs include sugary foods and drinks and processed grains, including white pasta, bread and rice.
These carbs are absorbed very quickly, causing spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.   Refined carbs also have a high glycemic index (GI).
One large observational study found that high-GI foods were associated with a greater risk of ovulatory infertility
5....  Fiber helps your body get rid of excess hormones and keeps blood sugar balanced.   One study found that eating 10 grams more cereal fiber per day was associated with a 44% lower risk of ovulatory infertility among women older than 32 years 
6....  Replacing some animal proteins (such as meat, fish and eggs) with vegetable protein sources (such as beans, nuts and seeds) is linked to a reduced risk of infertility...One study found that a higher protein intake from meat was linked to a 32% higher chance of developing ovulatory infertility
7....  High intakes of low-fat dairy foods may increase the risk of infertility, whereas high-fat dairy foods may decrease it..  One large study looked at the effects of eating high-fat dairy more than once a day or less than once a week.
8...   In fact, an estimated 20% of ovulatory infertility may be avoided if women consume 3 or more multivitamins per week ... You can get all vitamins, minerals......from your healthy food.
9....  Exercise has many benefits for your health, including increased fertility ..... The Nurses’ Health Study II found that each hour per week of exercise was associated with a 5% lower risk of infertility
10...  Avoid or minimize  tea or coffee.   Avoid alcohol and tobacco products.
11..   Follow healthy food and healthy life style to conceive early and avoid miscarriage or abortion or other.
Brought to U......


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