Mitral Valve prolapse

Mitral Valve prolapse

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Mitral Valve prolapse
Posted on 22nd May 2018

Mitral valve prolapse is a condition in which the two valve flaps of the mitral valve do not close smoothly or evenly, but instead bulge (prolapse) upward into the left atrium. Mitral valve prolapse is also known as click-murmur syndrome, Barlow's syndrome or floppy valve syndrome.
When the heart pumps (contracts) part of one or both flaps collapse backward into the left atrium. In some cases, the prolapsed valve lets a small amount of blood leak backward through the valve, which may cause a heart murmur.
In most cases, it’s harmless. Most people who have the condition are unaware of it and their health is not affected. However, in some cases treatment is required.
The most common cause of MVP is abnormally stretchy valve leaflets (called myxomatous valve disease). Mitral valve prolapse occurs in around 2 percent of the population. A person can be born with the genetic risk of developing MVP or it can be caused by other health problems, such as some connective tissue diseases.
My advise
1....   Although mitral valve prolapse is usually a lifelong disorder, many people with this condition never have symptoms. When diagnosed, people may be surprised to learn that they have a heart condition.
2....   When signs and symptoms do occur, it may be because blood is leaking backward through the valve. Mitral valve prolapse symptoms can vary widely from one person to another. They tend to be mild and develop gradually. Symptoms may include:  a..A racing or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)    b....Dizziness or light headedness    c....Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, often during physical activity or when lying flat  and  d..Fatigue
3....  Mitral valve prolapse (also known as "click murmur syndrome" and "Barlow's syndrome") is the most common heart valve abnormality. The condition is slightly more prevalent in women than in men. The mitral valve is one of the four heart valves. A normal mitral valve consists of two thin leaflets, located between the left atrium  and the left ventricle of the heart.
4....  Mitral valve leaflets, shaped like parachutes, are attached to the inner wall of the left ventricle by a series of strings called "chordae." When the ventricles contract, the mitral valve leaflets close snugly and prevent the back flow of blood from the left ventricle into the left atrium. When the ventricles relax, the valves open to allow oxygenated blood from the lungs to fill the left ventricle
5...   The mitral valve prolapse (MVP) syndrome has a strong hereditary tendency, although the exact cause is unknown. Affected family members are often tall, thin, with long arms and fingers, and straight backs. Mitral valve prolapse is more common in women from 20 to 40 years old; however, also occurs in men.
6...   In our body the most important parts are Brain, Heart and Kidneys.  Our body tries to Protect these parts with sufficient oxygen.  For every breath our body sends 120 ml Oxygen to protect our brain, heart and kidneys.   Every one on this earth takes 6000 ml per minute oxygen through breathing.  Depend on our food our body oxygen is consumed for digestion and remaining is used to clean and protect our body parts,
If we take unhealthy food  maximum oxygen is consumed to digest our food so that remaining parts cannot receive oxygen to protect due to it some parts will be damaged.. Mitral valve prolapse is the cause of damaged cells in heart due to unhealthy food.
7..... I advise every one to drink sufficient water and eat healthy food.

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