Birth defects...Brain undeveloped with incomplete skull

Birth defects...Brain undeveloped with incomplete skull

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Birth defects...Brain undeveloped with incomplete skull
Posted on 25th February 2017

This condition is called Anencephaly.... Anencephaly is a condition that is present at birth (birth defect). It affects the brain and skull bones. With this condition, the brain is not fully formed. It often lacks part or all of the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the area of the brain used for thinking, seeing, hearing, touch, and movement. There is also no bone on the back of the head. Bones may also be missing on the front and sides of the head. Anencephaly is a type of neural tube defect. It occurs in about 3 of 10,000 pregnancies in the U.S. each year. The exact number is not known because many of these pregnancies end in miscarriages. This condition most often leads to death in days or weeks.
Causes anencephaly in a child
During pregnancy, the brain and spine begin as a flat plate of cells. This plate rolls into a tube called the neural tube. The tube is completely formed 28 to 32 days after conception. If all or part of the neural tube fails to close, this leaves an opening. The opening is called an open neural tube defect. The opening in the tube may be left exposed. Or it may be covered with bone or skin. Anencephaly is when the neural tube fails to close at the base of the skull.
Neural tube defects may be caused by genes passed on from both parents and by environmental factors. Some of these factors include obesity, uncontrolled diabetes in the mother, and some prescription medicines. In most cases, a child with a neural tube defect has no family history of this problem.
My advise
1....   Once a child with a neural tube defect has been born in the family, the chance that this problem will happen in another child rises to 1 in 25. The type of neural tube defect can differ the second time. For example, one baby could be born with anencephaly. A second baby could have spina bifida instead.
2....   Symptoms can occur a bit differently in each child. They can include:  a..No bones on the back of the head   b...Missing bones on the front and sides of the head  c..Large areas of brain missing   d...Folding of the ears  e....Split in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate)   f...Congenital heart defects
3....   The neural tube closes 28 to 32 days after a baby is conceived. This is before many women are aware that they are pregnant. Normal brain and spinal cord development may be affected during these first 3 to 8 weeks of pregnancy by:    a..Not enough vitamins such as folic acid and other nutrients   b...Infection   c...Using prescription medicine or alcohol   d....Being around hazardous chemicals and other substances   e..Genetic problems
4...   I advise every couple to take the food containing  Iron and Vitamin B12 before conceiving and continue till delivery to prevent  birth defects ...spine bifida and anencephaly
5...  The couple should be happy.
Brought to U....


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