Symptoms of Mentally retarded child

Symptoms of  Mentally retarded child

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Symptoms of Mentally retarded child
Posted in 2014

I have seen in many families that 1. all are mentally retarded except one 2. all are Brilliants except one who is mentally handicapped.
If your child has an intellectual disability (ID), their brain hasn’t developed properly or has been injured in some way. Their brain may also not function within the normal range of both intellectual and adaptive functioning. In the past, medical professionals called this condition “mental retardation.”
There are four levels of ID: 1.mild 2.moderate 3. severe n 4,profound
Sometimes, ID may be classified as: 1. “other” 2. “unspecified”
ID involves both a low IQ and problems adjusting to everyday life. There may also be learning, speech, social, and physical disabilities.
Severe cases of ID may be diagnosed soon after birth. However, you might not realize your child has a milder form of ID until they fail to meet common developmental goals. Almost all cases of ID are diagnosed by the time a child reaches 18 years of age.
I discussed about these with many Medical Experts...they Said it is due to Genetics. I am not satisfied their answer and I researched through Medical Astrology principles and found the cause. As per Medical Astrology the child birth will depend on
1.Birth time of couples 2. Their birth periods 3. Their food habits, life style etc... and 4. Their time of sex causes for their defective childbirth. See statistical data of Mentally retarded in India 10.3% in 2001 and in US more than 1 in 20 child births(Defective births)..Every couple can avoid it and give birth to Healthy and Brilliant child.
My advise
1..... Symptoms of ID will vary based on your child’s level of disability and may include: a..Symptoms of ID will vary based on your child’s level of disability and may include: a..failure to meet intellectual milestones b..sitting, crawling, or walking later than other children c...problems learning to talk or trouble speaking clearly d...memory problems e..inability to understand the consequences of actions f...inability to think logically g... childish behavior inconsistent with the child’s age h...lack of curiosity i.. learning difficulties j.. IQ below 70 and l..inability to lead a fully independent life due to challenges communicating, taking care of themselves, or interacting with others
2...........If your child has ID, they may experience some of the following behavioral issues: a..aggression b..dependency c..withdrawal from social activities d..attention-seeking behavior e..depression during adolescent and teen years f....lack of impulse control g..passivity h...tendency toward self-injury i...stubbornness j...low self-esteem k...low tolerance for frustration l...psychotic disorders and m...difficulty paying attention
3.... ID is divided into four levels, based on your child’s IQ and degree of social adjustment. 1..Mild intellectual disability:: Some of the symptoms of mild intellectual disability include: a.taking longer to learn to talk, but communicating well once they know how b...being fully independent in self-care when they get older c...having problems with reading and writing immaturity e...increased difficulty with the responsibilities of marriage or parenting f...benefiting from specialized education plans g..having an IQ range of 50 to 69


a..........are slow in understanding and using language b....may have some difficulties with communication c...can learn basic reading, writing, and counting skills d...are generally unable to live alone e..can often get around on their own to familiar places f...can take part in various types of social activities and g...generally having an IQ range of 35 to 49


Symptoms of severe ID include: a...noticeable motor impairment b...severe damage to, or abnormal development of, their central nervous system and cgenerally having an IQ range of 20 to 34


Symptoms of profound ID include: a...inability to understand or comply with requests or instructions b...possible immobility c...incontinence d....very basic nonverbal communication e...inability to care for their own needs independently f...the need of constant help and supervision and g...having an IQ of less than 20


People in this category are often physically impaired, have hearing loss, are nonverbal, or have a physical disability. These factors may prevent your child’s doctor from conducting screening tests.


If your child has an unspecified ID, they will show symptoms of ID, but their doctor doesn’t have enough information to determine their level of disability.
Some people with ID may also have specific physical characteristics. These can include having a short stature or facial abnormalities.
6...... Observe the children around you and you will find number of children comes under any of the above category.. The cause is very simple i.e. before the birth of child the mother could not supply sufficient Oxygen and Water.
7... Don't think just to conceive and give birth to a child but think to give birth to a Brilliant child.
Brought to U....


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