Birth defects .... Hydronephrosis without obstruction 2

Birth defects .... Hydronephrosis without obstruction 2

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Birth defects .... Hydronephrosis without obstruction 2
Posted in 2013

Prune belly syndrome occurs almost exclusively in boys; there is a controversy whether there is a variant in girls.  It consists of a group of findings including:   decreased or absent abdominal muscles, cryptorchidism (failure of the testicles to descend into the scrotum;
they remain in the abdomen), and dilatation of the ureters and bladder, often with associated 
renal dysplasia.  Frequently the dilated ureters come with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR; see below).    The boys are sterile and unable to make sperm, even if the testicles are surgically
brought down, but they function normally sexually.  The bladder may be large and floppy and 
not contract and empty like it should, or it may be fine.  High-grade reflux is common, but reimplantation of the ureters surgically into the large, floppy bladder may be difficult.   With
the renal dysplasia, renal failure may be a problem.  The renal dysplasia may be of any Some of these boys progress to needing transplantation; others do not.

My advise
1...  Follow healthy habits to avoid birth defects

Brought to U.....


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