Birth defects ....Lever

Birth defects ....Lever

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Birth defects ....Lever
Posted in 2015

Some women experience a very severe itching in late pregnancy. The most common cause of this is cholestasis, a common liver disease that only happens in pregnancy. Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) is a condition in which the normal flow of bile is affected by the increased amounts of pregnancy hormones.

Cholestasis is more common in the last trimester of pregnancy when hormones are at their peak, but it usually goes away within a few days after delivery.
According to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cholestasis occurs in about 1 out of 1,000 pregnancies but is more common in Swedish and Chilean ethnic groups. Cholestasis is sometimes referred to as extrahepatic cholestasis which occurs outside the liver, intrahepatic cholestasis which occurs inside the liver, or obstetric cholestasis.
I have seen many birth defects i.e. Lever....  Lever is the most important organ to digest our food and all nutrients in our food will be sent to different organ which they need.
For example:  Calcium, Vitamin D sent to Bone structure of your body which includes Skull, bones of all parts..  Every pregnant woman need to take it for proper maintenance of her bone structure  and to form bone structure of her baby.
My advise
1....   The cause of this birth defect is mother's unhealthy food.
2...    I explained in my articles about mother's food how it protect mother's health and unborn child's health.
3...    Follow healthy food and avoid health problems to your self and your unborn child

Brought to U......


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