Birth defects .... Obstruction of Urinary tract 1

Birth defects ....  Obstruction of Urinary tract 1

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Birth defects ....  Obstruction of Urinary tract 1
Posted in 2013

Hydronephrosis means dilatation of the collecting system or the ureter or both and may be
dilatation with or without an obstruction at some point in the system physically to the flow of
urine down and out. Hydronephrosis is often seen on prenatal ultrasounds, but is found at
least 50% of the time to be dilatation without obstruction, which may simply be due to two

facts:  1) that the fetal kidney does not yet concentrate the urine so there is a large flow
volume down the ureter, making it dilated by volume, and 2) the immature ureteral tissues
are stretchy.
When hydronephrosis is associated with obstruction, it may be either unilateral (one kidney)
or bilateral (both).  The most common obstructive lesions are:
* Posterior urethral valves (causes bilateral obstruction and is limited to males)
* Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (present on one or both sides)
* Ureterovesical junction obstruction (present on one of both sides)
* Ureterocele (present on one or both sides)
* Neurogenic bladder-which acts like an obstruction, since the bladder does not empty

My advise
1....  The main function of kidneys is to eliminate unwanted present in Blood
2....  When kidney cannot eliminate unwanted from the blood will cause several skin diseases, health problems etc....
3...    Eat healthy food and avoid such births

Brought to U .....


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