Birth defects .... Parasites infections

Birth defects .... Parasites infections

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Birth defects .... Parasites infections
Posted in 2013

Although parasitic infections are common throughout the world, most clinicians are inexperienced in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. Clinicians increasingly are confronted with parasitic infections, such as malaria, schistosomiasis, and trypanosomiasis, because of the increase in international travel and the recent immigration of persons from Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Many parasitic infections may be encountered in tropical areas, and the effect of these diseases on less developed countries is staggering. Malaria, schistosomiasis, and filariasis affect 600 million people.1 With an average of 5 million trips abroad each year, the probability that an American traveler may contract a parasitic infection is high. If infection occurs before or during pregnancy, the effect on maternal health and the developing fetus is dependent on the type of parasitic infection, the patient's natural immunity to that infection, and the parasite load. Diagnosis of these infections is based entirely on a high index of suspicion due to travel to or from an endemic area and the presence of certain infections endemic within the local community (e.g., giardiasis).
Physician's should have knowledge of the biology, life cycle, and clinical manifestations of each parasite. The decision to treat a parasitic infection during pregnancy is a difficult risk-benefit calculation based on knowledge of the associated morbidity and mortality, and the toxic effects of the antiparasitic drug. Because no definitive data are available on the safety of most antiparasitic drugs in pregnancy, drug therapy is indicated only in life-threatening situations or when the benefits of the drug clearly exceed the risks. The pregnant woman should be informed of the risks of treating a parasitic disease during pregnancy. Withholding treatment is appropriate when the infection does not pose an immediate threat to the mother or fetus.
My advise
1...    PARASITIC INFECTIONSParasitic infections disrupt pregnancy at the maternal, fetal, and placenta level. Many parasites cause severe maternal disease, which can lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes. ... Finally, there are parasites that have a very minimal effect on pregnant patients and pregnancy.
2....  Malaria is one of the most prevalent and serious infectious disease problems throughout the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. The disease infects more than 150 million inhabitants of more than 104 countries throughout Africa, Latin America, South America, Asia, and Oceana.  There are at least 1 million deaths annually due to malaria, primarily in children. Even in the United States, where endemic malaria was eradicated in the 1950s, the number of imported cases of malaria increased dramatically during the Vietnam War, and has increased more recently because of the increase in international travel and the recent influx of refugees.  Familiarity with the diagnosis, complications, and treatment of malaria is essential because it is a potentially fatal infection for which prophylaxis and treatment are readily available.
3....    Although parasitic infections are common throughout the world, most clinicians are inexperienced in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. Clinicians increasingly are confronted with parasitic infections, such as malaria, schistosomiasis, and trypanosomiasis, because of the increase in international travel and the recent immigration of persons from Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Many parasitic infections may be encountered in tropical areas, and the effect of these diseases on less developed countries is staggering. Malaria, schistosomiasis, and filariasis affect 600 million people. With an average of 5 million trips abroad each year, the probability that an American traveler may contract a parasitic infection is high. If infection occurs before or during pregnancy, the effect on maternal health and the developing fetus is dependent on the type of parasitic infection, the patient's natural immunity to that infection, and the parasite load. Diagnosis of these infections is based entirely on a high index of suspicion due to travel to or from an endemic area and the presence of certain infections endemic within the local community (e.g., giardiasis).
4...    Physician's should have knowledge of the biology, life cycle, and clinical manifestations of each parasite. The decision to treat a parasitic infection during pregnancy is a difficult risk-benefit calculation based on knowledge of the associated morbidity and mortality, and the toxic effects of the antiparasitic drug. Because no definitive data are available on the safety of most antiparasitic drugs in pregnancy, drug therapy is indicated only in life-threatening situations or when the benefits of the drug clearly exceed the risks. The pregnant woman should be informed of the risks of treating a parasitic disease during pregnancy. Withholding treatment is appropriate when the infection does not pose an immediate threat to the mother or fetus.
5...      I suggest every woman during her pregnancy should keep his residence clean and infection free so that she will not be affected with any infections.   
6...      Every couple when they decided to give birth to Healthy child should protect themselves with every kind of infections from mosquitoes, food and animals

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