Birth defects ... Primary defects of Kidney 1

Birth defects ... Primary defects of Kidney 1

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Birth defects ... Primary defects of Kidney 1
Posted in 2013

In this group of problems of the kidney parenchyma (parenchyma refers to the kidney tissue
in general), the basic structure of the kidney looks normal on ultrasound or on an X-ray
image, but for some reason on a microscopic level something is wrong and the kidneys 
don't work right. The most common problem of this class is renal dysplasia, which is a
condition of both kidneys where the tissue is partly normal with some normal filters

(glomeruli) but laced throughout the kidney is fibrosis (like scar tissue), abnormal cell
groups such as little pieces of cartilage, and immature tissue where the kidney just didn't
finish developing.  There are all levels of severity of this defect, so there are babies who have
very poor kidney function at birth and need major support, even sometimes including
dialysis, from that time, and there are other children whose kidneys support them through
much of life but then eventually as the body grows the kidneys just don't have enough
functional tissue to support it.

My advise
1....  As the child grow kidney cannot function properly
2...   It will impact on child's health
3...   Follow healthy habits to avoid such births

Brought to U....


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