Your subconscious mind effect your child

Your subconscious mind effect your child

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Your subconscious mind effect your child
Posted on 13th March 2014
Your subconscious thoughts affect your fetus
Another powerful way parents affect their fetus is through their beliefs. I’ll explain.
Your life is a reflection of your beliefs. These beliefs come from a lifetime of experiences and interactions with other people. Most of these beliefs are subconscious. And they quietly “program” your mind to react to your world. If these beliefs are negative, it programs our minds to be self-defeating. We see it everyday in people who say, “I can’t___”, “I’m not good enough to ___, “I have am so unlucky ___” and so on.
As expectant parents, the negative programming usually comes out in fear:
…“Am I going to make the same mistakes my parents made?”
…“Will my baby be healthy and deliver naturally?”
…“Can I adequately provide for my child?”
Single mothers often have additional negative emotions like:
…“Will I be enough not having a father around?”
…“Can I really raise my child alone?”
During the pregnancy, parents who dwell on negative thoughts send these feelings to the fetus. In turn, this programs fear into the child before it even enters the world.
It is extremely important for both mother and father to understand their emotions and deal with them in an effective manner. Continued stress for the mother takes its toll on her unborn child. Whether the mother’s thoughts and emotions are positive and reinforcing or negative and rejecting they are helping to define and shape the child’s character.
I am telling U from the beginning that your mind is the cause of defective births..Even if you do not express it during pregnancy but it exists in your subconscious thoughts it may effect on your unborn child...That is the reason I guide every one not to conceive until you prepare your bodies and mind to give birth to Healthy child....So I advise U to prepare your body and mind healthy to give birth to Healthy child.
My advise
1..... Your positive and negative thoughts effect on your child
2.... Depression is an illness that affects the way people think, act and feel. About 6% of women will experience depression at some point in their lives. This number increases to about 10% (1 in 10) for women who are pregnant.
3...    Women are more at risk of depression while they are pregnant, and during the weeks and months after having a baby. During pregnancy, hormone changes can affect brain chemicals and cause depression and anxiety. Sometimes, pregnant women don’t realize they are depressed. They may think they have symptoms of pregnancy or the “baby blues,” which many women experience right after birth.
4...    Depression can come on slowly. The symptoms are different for everyone. They can be mild, moderate or severe. Some of the more common signs are:  a...   Changes in appetite, like eating too much or having little interest in food,    b...changes in sleep, such as trouble sleeping or sleeping too much,      c...lack of energy,     d....feeling sad, hopeless or worthless,      e....crying for no reason, and   f....loss of interest or pleasure in activities you normally enjoy.
New moms with depression may have trouble caring for their baby. They might not want to spend time with their baby, which can lead to a baby who cries a lot.
5..... If you have depression while you’re pregnant, you may have trouble caring for yourself.    Depression during pregnancy can also lead to:    a....miscarriage,     b....delivering before the due date (preterm), birth to a small baby (low birth weight).
If depression during pregnancy isn’t treated, it can lead to postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a serious condition that can last for months after giving birth. It can affect your health and how well you bond with your baby.
6.....  The “baby blues” is a mild form of postpartum depression that many new moms experience. It usually starts 1 to 3 days after the birth and can last for 10 days to a few weeks. With “baby blues”, many women have mood swings—happy one minute and crying the next. They may feel anxious, confused, or have trouble eating or sleeping. Up to 80% of new moms have the “baby blues”. It’s common, and it will go away on its own.

About 13% of new mothers experience postpartum depression, which is more serious and lasts longer. You are at a greater risk if you have a family history of depression or have had depression before.   Some of the symptoms include:a...feeling like you can’t care for your baby,     b....extreme anxiety or panic attacks,     c....trouble making decisions,    d..feeling very sad,        e.....hopelessness, and     f....feeling out of control

7.....   Your depression will effect your unborn child...  Moms who are depressed may have trouble caring for their children. They may be loving one minute and withdrawn the next. They may respond to their child in a negative way or not respond at all. Your feelings and your behaviour will affect your ability to care for your children.    Depression can also affect attachment, which is important for your child’s development. Attachment is a deep emotional bond that a baby forms with the person who provides most of his care. A “secure attachment” develops quite naturally. A mother responds to her crying infant, offering whatever she feels her baby needs—feeding, a diaper change, cuddling. Secure attachment helps protect against stress and is an important part of a baby’s long-term emotional health. It makes a baby feel safe and secure, and helps him learn to trust others.   The child developed mind insecure and he may not be mentally sharp, some times he may develop negative feeling in his life.

8..... Try to leave negative thoughts and improve positive thoughts before conceiving. Be happy with your life partner So that your child's thoughts develops positively

Brought to U .....


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