You need Iron before conceiving

You need Iron before conceiving

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You need Iron before conceiving
Posted on 18th March 2016

You’re smart to be thinking about pumping up your iron levels while trying to conceive. As you’ve heard, there does seem to be a link between iron and fertility. In one study, researchers found that women who took iron supplements had a significantly lower risk of ovulatory infertility (an inability to produce healthy baby-making eggs) than those who didn't supplement.
Experts say more research is needed before they’d recommend iron supplements to all women as a fertility booster. But even if iron isn’t recommended as a fertility booster for you specifically, you’ll still want to beef up your iron stores the natural way before you get pregnant. Iron is one of the minerals that your future baby-to-be will siphon from you — and too little iron at the start of pregnancy can put you at risk for anemia during pregnancy and afterward (when you need all the energy you can get to take care of your baby).
Eat iron-rich foods. Every day, pregnant women need to aim for about 27 mg of iron. The most easily absorbed iron — called heme iron — is found in animal sources, such as meat, poultry and fish. The other form of iron — called non-heme iron — comes from plant sources. However because of its chemical structure, it's more difficult for the intestines to absorb. But don’t disregard non-heme iron — it’s still worth your while. In fact, heme iron helps improve the absorption of non-heme iron, so eating food sources of both forms of iron at the same time is ideal.
My advise
1...     Have you been feeling tired, weak, dizzy, short of breath, or always cold? If you answered yes, you’re not alone! These symptoms are often a tell-tale sign of iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency is the MOST COMMON nutritional deficiency among women of reproductive age. The reason iron deficiency is so common is that we ladies menstruate every month, lose quite a bit of blood, and therefore lose quite a bit of iron too.
2....    Most women are aware of the fact that iron deficiency can leave us feeling absolutely exhausted and run down. However, what many women don’t realize is that iron deficiency can have significant impacts on our fertility. If we are lacking iron (and therefore lacking adequate oxygen delivery to our body’s tissues), how can we be expected to get pregnant and stay pregnant? Iron deficiency and fertility go hand in hand. If you’ve been struggling with infertility, it’s time to take a look at your iron status!
3....    Iron deficiency has been linked to infertility, miscarriage, low birth weight, and preterm labour. Researchers have found that women with inadequate iron stores are more likely to suffer from anovulation, meaning they fail to ovulate. As most of us know, when we don’t ovulate, pregnancy becomes completely impossible! Moreover, when our iron stores fall into an unhealthy range, this prevents red blood cells from developing. This translates into decreased oxygen to the body’s tissues INCLUDING the ovaries and uterus. When there is insufficient oxygen delivery to our reproductive organs, eggs become poor in quality, and may even become unviable. Again, without optimal egg quality and development, pregnancy becomes near impossible.
4....     Even if you are iron insufficient and manage to become pregnant, the lack of oxygen delivery affects the baby’s development, prevents proper placental development, and increases the rates of miscarriage and preterm birth
5...     A mother’s iron deficiency early in pregnancy may have a profound and long-lasting effect on the brain development of the child, even if the lack of iron is not enough to cause severe anemia, according to a University of Rochester Medical Center study published in the scientific Journal PLOS One
6...     You should  take care of Iron before you conceive.  It will avoid birth defects  particularly Brain of your child.
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