Water is important for healthier eggs 2

Water is important for healthier eggs 2

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Water is important for healthier eggs 2
Posted in 2012

Most people have heard recommendations to drink eight glasses of water a day, but this can prove challenging, particularly for busy women who are trying to get pregnant. Taking time to drink water really is worth it, though. Water is vital to maintaining basic body functions, will help your baby be healthier when you do get pregnant and can improve fertility.
Water and Nutrients
A healthy egg is more likely to result in a healthy pregnancy. Water plays an essential role in this process. Without sufficient water, your body can't process nutrients and hormones. Because fertility is not vital to a woman's health, the reproductive system is first to suffer when a woman is chronically dehydrated.
Fetal Health
Neurologist Lise Eliot reports that the first weeks of pregnancy play a critical role in embryonic and fetal health. This also is the time during which a woman is unlikely to know she is pregnant. By drinking water while trying to get pregnant, however, you ensure that your baby has adequate water from the moment of conception. Water helps carry nutrients to the placenta and is an important part of all aspects of fetal development. Without water, a developing baby cannot survive.

Water and Health
Your overall health plays an important role in whether you become pregnant. Fertility hinges on your body's ability to produce a healthy egg. Women who are severely malnourished or unhealthy might not ovulate at all. By drinking enough water, you increase your overall health, which increases fertility.
Water and implantation
After an egg is fertilized, it must travel to the uterus and implant itself. Many fertilized eggs fail to implant, resulting in a very early miscarriage. Women usually mistake these miscarriages for their periods. Water plays an important role in this process because water is necessary for cell division, metabolism and reproduction. The cells of the uterine wall must be healthy for the egg to implant. Drinking water is a simple way to ensure the health of your uterus.
4.....Waters helps egg health
Drinking enough water also helps to keep your body nourished and nutritionally balanced. Keeping your body healthy will ensure that in turn, your eggs are also healthy. Healthy eggs grow into health babies, so make sure to drink enough water to keep your eggs healthy also.
Water is essential for Egg heath which results to have Healthy child...
My advise
1.....   Propel Fitness Water was developed by Gatorade as a low-calorie water alternative to sports drinks. Propel contains a light flavor with additional essential vitamins to maximize hydration. While Propel Fitness Water was designed to improve hydration for active individuals, pregnant women also need additional hydration to maintain healthy body functions, and they can drink Propel to supply their additional fluid requirements.
2...   Water is the principal chemical component in the body, and makes up about 60 percent of a person's body weight. Pregnant women need additional water to remove toxins from vital organs and carry nutrients to their cells and those of the developing baby. Propel Fitness Water supplies the water along with essential vitamins in a low-calorie drink.
3...   As a general rule, doctors recommend consuming eight to nine cups of water per day, but during pregnancy, women need at least 10 cups per day according to the Institute of Medicine. The Mayo Clinic recommends the “8x8 rule,” or drinking eight 8-oz. glasses of water per day. Pregnant women will need an additional two cups, which can include a bottle of Propel Fitness Water.
4...   Propel Fitness Water contains a variety of ingredients, based on the flavor, that results in 10 calories per 8-oz. serving. The primary ingredients include water, sucrose syrup and flavors, with added vitamins like ascorbic acid, vitamin E acetate, niacinamide and calcium pantothenate. One serving of Propel contains only 3g of carbohydrates, with no fat or protein.
5....  Every serving of Propel is an excellent source -- 25 percent of the daily recommended intake -- of B vitamins that benefit energy and metabolism during pregnancy. The water also contains 10 percent of the daily recommended intake of antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, which aid in fighting disease and bacteria. Propel is caffeine-free. According to the Mayo Clinic, excessive caffeine during pregnancy can cross the placenta and affect the baby’s heart rate, resulting in decreased birth weight and an increased risk of miscarriage.
6...   Drink Sufficient water before conceiving to have healthy eggs and continue till delivery to have healthy child.

.Brought to U by http://successgain.us


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