Know about Ectopic(Tubal) Pregnancy 1

Know about Ectopic(Tubal) Pregnancy 1

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Know about Ectopic(Tubal) Pregnancy 1
Posted in 2014
A pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences for a woman. The gift of being a mother is overwhelming and much cherished by you and your partner. However, not all pregnancies turn out to be normal, and some must be terminated because they cannot be carried to fruition. One such type of pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy. Almost 2% of the pregnancies in the world are ectopic and health risks to the mother.
An ectopic pregnancy can initially look like a normal one, but as it progresses, it can be painful and will need to be terminated.
Ectopic pregnancy
In a conventional pregnancy, the sperm and egg fertilise in the fallopian tube and are implanted in the spongy endometrial lining in the uterus. This lining provides all the nutrients necessary for the egg.
In an ectopic pregnancy, however, the fertilised egg is implanted outside the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is more dangerous than it sounds as it could prove to be fatal for the mother. Thus, it is of extreme importance that you keep an eye out for any odd symptoms in the initial phase of your pregnancy and consult your doctor immediately if you feel something is amiss.
My advise
1....      Every couples asks me how to conceive but no one asked me how to have safe pregnancy, safe delivery and healthy child. When ever they face any problems they are asking why it happened. It clearly indicates they have not followed healthy life style, positive thinking, healthy food etc..
2...      Ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of maternal death in early pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is defined as implantation of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg moves from the fallopian tube into the uterus, where the pregnancy develops. In a small percentage of pregnancies, however, the embryo implants in extra uterine locations leading to an ectopic pregnancy. Most extra uterine pregnancies (97%) implant in the fallopian tube; another 3% of ectopic pregnancies implant in the cervix, ovary, peritoneal cavity, or in uterine scars. In ectopic pregnancy as the pregnancy continues, it can cause the tube to rupture with internal bleeding. This situation can be life threatening and needs to be treated as medical emergency.
3..     Many risk factors like pelvic inflammatory disease, intrauterine device, tubal surgeries, sexually transmitted diseases, infertility are associated with ectopic pregnancy.
4...   The incidence of ectopic pregnancy among all pregnancies is about 0.25-2.0% worldwide* and can occur in any sexually active woman of reproductive age. Ectopic pregnancy was reported in 0.91% of pregnant women (with no maternal deaths) in a study done at tertiary care centre in South India.**
5....  Globally the incidence of ectopic pregnancy has been on the rise over the past few decades because of increased incidence of salpingitis (infection of fallopian tubes mostly due to sexually transmitted infections), induction of ovulation, and tubal surgeries; and improved ability to detect ectopic pregnancy. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy has risen from 4.5 cases per 1,000 pregnancies in 1970 to 19.7 cases per 1,000 pregnancies in 1992 in North America. Though the cases of ectopic pregnancy are on rise; the incidence of rupture of ectopic pregnancy and maternal deaths has declined because of early diagnosis and management. Ectopic pregnancy still accounts for 4% to 10% of pregnancy-related deaths and leads to a high incidence of ectopic site gestations in subsequent pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancy accounts for 3.5-7.1% of maternal deaths in India.
6....  Signs n Symptoms :::: a..::It is important to be aware of the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy because it can occur in any sexually active woman whether or not she is using contraceptives or has undergone tubal sterilization (“tying the tubes”).
b...  Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are different in each woman. Sometimes ectopic pregnancy may be asymptomatic or women may not be aware about the pregnancy (if her menstrual periods are irregular previously or pregnancy is due to failure of contraception).
c...  Most women get symptoms in the 6th week of pregnancy (about 2 weeks after the missed period). The most common symptoms are unilateral lower abdominal pain, a short period of amenorrhoea, and slight vaginal bleeding.
7..   Ectopic pregnancy may cause the following symptoms:
a....  Vaginal bleeding often occurs (but not always). It is mostly different to the bleeding of a normal period. It may start about the time a period is due or about few weeks after the missed period.  The bleeding may be heavier or lighter than a normal period. The blood may look darker.
b....  Abdominal or pelvic pain is felt in lower abdomen; it develops suddenly for no apparent reason or may come on gradually over several days. Pain can be sudden and sharp without relief or seems to come and go. It may occur on only one side.
8..     Other less common symptoms include:
a....   Shoulder pain can be felt because of collection of blood from ruptured tube into the abdomen under the diaphragm. Pain may be worse during lying down
b....   Women may feel weakness, dizziness, or fainting because of blood loss; if the fallopian tube ruptures and causes internal bleeding.
c...    In rare instances, collapse may be the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy. This is an emergency situation and should seek urgent medical attention.
d....  Rectal pressure or pain on defecation.
e...   Urinary symptoms.
9....  Causes ::  a..  An ectopic pregnancy is mostly occurs in fallopian tube. A fertilized egg has difficulty passing through a damaged tube, causing the egg to implant and grow in the tube. Adnexal infections or tubal surgery can damage the fallopian tubes. Therefore women who have abnormal fallopian tubes are at higher risk of ectopic pregnancy.
b....   Most of the ectopic pregnancies (97%) occur in ampullary part of the fallopian tube. Another 3% of ectopic pregnancies implant in the cervix, ovary, peritoneal cavity, isthmic, or interstitial portion of the fallopian tube, or in uterine scars.
10...  When you want to give birth to a healthy child you should take necessary precautions to avoid pregnancy complications, delivery problems and birth defects.
11... I am explaining various conceiving problems, pregnancy problems and how to avoid birth defects with you positive thinking, healthy life style, healthy food .................................
12...  Ectopic pregnancy is formed when egg and sperm cannot move to the uterus due damage of tubes.
It is caused due to unhealthy food n life style of woman.   It is very dangerous to woman which may cause rupture of tubes. which results the death of woman.
13..... I advise every couple to not to just think to conceive but to think how to have safe pregnancy, safe delivery and healthy child.
14.... I wish to you to  have a healthy child without any complications or problems
Brought to U ...


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