Drink Water to conceive

Drink Water  to conceive

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Drink Water   to conceive
Posted in 2012

Water is one of the most basic nutrients for all body processes, getting pregnant included. By making sure you are drinking enough water, you can help improve your chances of getting pregnant.
Fact about drinking enough water
The fact is, if drinking enough water is important for regular body processes and functions, you can guarantee that drinking enough water will be EVEN more important for women who are actively trying to get pregnant. First of all, your overall health is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not you will be able to get pregnant. By drinking enough water, you will improve and maintain your overall health, which is an important part of getting pregnant. Water helps your body function in all of its processes, ovulation, fertilization, and pregnancy included!
Waters helps uterus health
Water supports a ton of reproductive processes as well. By drinking enough water, you can ensure that your uterus is healthy enough for an embryo to implant. If an embryo fails to implant, it can result in a miscarriage, so it is important to do everything you can to keep your uterus healthy and ready to carry a baby should you become pregnant.
Waters helps egg health
Drinking enough water also helps to keep your body nourished and nutritionally balanced. Keeping your body healthy will ensure that in turn, your eggs are also healthy. Healthy eggs grow into health babies, so make sure to drink enough water to keep your eggs healthy also.
Waters helps cervical mucus
Drinking enough water can also help to increase your cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is very important when getting pregnant, since the cervical mucus is what the sperm attach to on their journey to the egg. Without enough cervical mucus, the sperm won’t survive and therefore won’t be able to fertilize the egg!
I told U many times that your body needs 1. Air 2. Water and 3. Healthy food not more than this. Everything is available in our nature. All animals are following the nature principle and are giving birth to their child naturally. I am unable to understand why we are not following nature's principle and suffering from Infertility problems
My advise
1...      First of all as  can be a really stressful and long process and a lot of women are struggling with mood changes, sadness or even depression. It is good to know the right amount of water improves our mood. In many ways. The effects of fluid deprivation are increased sleepiness and fatigue, lower levels of vigour and alertness as well as increased confusion.
2.....     Water   improves your blood circulation. That means your reproductive organs are getting more of what they need and the hormones in your body are also travelling faster to the places where needed. Water absorption happens very rapidly, within five minutes from mouth to bloodstream, peaking in about twenty minutes. Interestingly, the temperature of the water also appears to affect this speed. Cold water actually gets sucked in about 20% faster!
3...       Waste management. Hydration helps get rid of toxins. Each kidney contains cells tasked with cleansing your blood. However, these microscopic filters can only eliminate the toxins with urine when you are properly hydrated. It is also a good way to lower the risk of developing kidney stones.
4....       Fertile cervical mucus. When looking like raw egg white, it provides ideal environment for sperms to travel through vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes. As 90% of the mucus is water, it might get too thick to allow sperm to penetrate the cervix if you do not drink enough water. As it can be hostile to sperm in case it’s too acidic, you might enjoy a glass of grapefruit juice with an alkalising effect once digested. However, be careful in case you are using prescription medications.
5...        Conception and pregnancy aid. Water not only creates plump egg follicles and a strong blood supply to the womb lining. Once the egg is fertilised, the endometrium, the innermost lining of your uterus needs to become a thick, cushioning and nourishing environment for the embryo to grow. As your body expands during pregnancy, your blood volume also increases.
6......... Water will make your uterus and all parts clean n healthy.
7...   ... When your body is healthy it will improve the chances to conceive.
8....      Water will improve egg health
9....      Drink sufficient water to conceive.
Brought to U ... http://successgain.info


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