Effects of Dehydration in Pregnant Women on unborn child

Effects of Dehydration in Pregnant Women on unborn child

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Effects of Dehydration in Pregnant Women on unborn child
Posted on 22nd April 2016
The Effects of Dehydration in Pregnant Women on unborn child
During pregnancy, your body relies on water for additional functions, and not getting enough water can have negative effects on your growing baby. In the early stages of pregnancy, your blood volume expands significantly to supply your baby and the placenta. Water composes the majority of this blood content in the form of plasma. Your baby's amniotic fluid is initially formed from water you drink as well. Symptoms of morning sickness such as vomiting can make you more vulnerable to dehydration.
Heat Regulation
Dehydration can lead to maternal overheating. Water aids in heat regulation for all individuals, but it becomes especially important during pregnancy. Overheating becomes easier during pregnancy because your body is not able to rid itself of heat as easily. In an effort to compensate for this, your body may sweat sooner and more, which means you're also losing extra water. If your temperature increases to 102 degrees or higher, your baby can experience overheating as well. If this happens in early pregnancy, it can lead to neural tube
Drink sufficient water to meet your and your child's requirements.
My advise 1.... Dehydration during pregnancy can lead to serious pregnancy complications, including neural tube defects, low amniotic fluid, inadequate breast milk production, and even premature labor. These risks, in turn, can lead to birth defects due to lack of water and nutritional support for your baby. 2....  Dehydration can lead to lower levels of amniotic fluid, which can influence the baby's development, lead to preterm labor, and can affect the production of breast milk. Dehydration can cause deficiencies in nutrients that are vital for the health of the pregnant woman and the developing baby 3....  People who feel thirsty after sweating, spending long periods of time in the heat, or going for long periods without water are especially likely to be dehydrated 4.... Other signs of dehydration...a.. A  dry feeling in the throat or mouth    b..dry, chapped lips   c...dry-looking skin     d...less elastic skin that looks sunken or thin   e....less frequent urination   f....dark-colored urine    g....urinating less often   h....not sweating, even in hot weather    i...feeling weak or exhausted    j..constipation, hard stools and hemorrhoids  k... feeling light headed 5...   When dehydration gets worse, feelings of thirst can disappear. Some signs of more severe dehydration during pregnancy include:  a...dizziness and confusion     b....a racing heart    c....changes in the baby’s pattern of movement    d...low blood pressure, which may cause dizziness or fainting 6....  Other health issues, especially those that affect metabolism, can cause dehydration. These include   a... kidney failure     b.....certain rare metabolic    disorders       c....intestinal disorders such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease that make it difficult to absorb nutrients 7....   Due to dehydration of mother child's body will not receive water as needed to develop brain cells and body cells  due to it the child may be abnormal /defective either mentally or physically. Brought to you http://successgain.info


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