Infertility after abortion

Infertility after abortion

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Infertility after abortion
Posted in 2016
Infertility after having an abortion:
Damage to the fetal tissue: If it is a first trimester abortion, which is also called as “incomplete abortion” leaves some fetal tissues in the uterus. This is not the case with each first trimester abortion. Unfortunately some abortions end with such situations. These leftover fetal tissues can lead to infection thus causing permanent damage to fetal organs. This finally can lead to sterility or miscarriage of future pregnancies.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Following an abortion, most women are at higher risk of developing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), which is major risk factor for fertility. PID is the inflammation of uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. When any instrument is used on the cervix, for example during a D&C procedure and in this D&C can cause a great spread of these organisms and thus increasing the risk of PID.
Multiple Abortions: Sometimes, it is required to perform multiple D&C procedures to remove the fetal leftovers. During this process, it may cause some scarring to the cervix or inside the uterus. Dilation of cervix is the necessary step during the abortion, which can weaken it. It also affects the ability of an embryo to implant into the cervix to support pregnancy.
Postponing pregnancy: This is most common in highly educated women, as they want to settle well in their careers, like paying student loans or purchasing a house. These women usually use abortion as a back up in case of any failure to contraceptive. Though abortion may or may not cause side effects, these women simply find that the optimum time for conceiving has come and gone without even realizing it.
If any woman follows Healthy food, Healthy life style etc...she will not face Abortion.
If any woman due to any reason postponing pregnancy she will face lot of problems when she desires to conceive.
I suggest every woman not to postpone or not to removing pregnancy.will fully. It may cause many health problems after 45 years.
My advise
1... Most miscarriages are caused by genetic abnormalities in the fetus. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to prevent miscarriages caused by genetic abnormalities.
I believe on healthy habits and positive thinking.  If you follow healthy habits and positive thinking you can avoid defective births.
2....A healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy may help. Here are some tips that may help prevent miscarriage:a...Be sure to take at least 400 mg of folic acid every day, beginning at least one to two months before conception.   b.. Exercise regularly.    c...Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.    d... Manage stress     e...Keep your weight within normal limits.   f...Don't smoke and stay away from second hand  smoke    g...Don't drink alcohol or have more than one to two cups of a caffeinated beverage like coffee a day.
3....  These steps may help to prevent miscarriage, too:
a...Avoid radiation and poisons such as arsenic, lead, formaldehyde, benzene, and ethylene oxide.
b.. Take special care to keep your abdomen safe while pregnant. Avoid sports that carry a higher risk for injury, such as contact sports and skiing, and always wear your seat belt.
c... Avoid environmental hazards such as X-rays and infectious diseases.
4....  You can also help ensure a healthy baby by finding out about and treating any health conditions you have before you try to conceive. If, for example, you know a previous miscarriage was due to an autoimmune response or a hormonal imbalance, seek treatment for this underlying condition. Once you become pregnant, get early, comprehensive prenatal care to improve your chances of a healthy pregnancy
5...  Keep in mind and take care to avoid abortion or miscarriage
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