Life style develops your fertility

Life style develops your fertility

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Life style develops your fertility
Posted in October 2013
Lifestyle and fertility to have Healthy and Brilliant child
As with most areas of health, the way we live our lives can impact on how well our body functions. The most common lifestyle factors associated with reduced fertility are as follows:
Increased female age
The chances of achieving a pregnancy fall sharply after the age of 35. By 40, even though a woman may still be menstruating normally, the quality of her remaining eggs is reduced and the chances of conception are low. This is a limiting factor not only for normal conception but also in IVF. A variety of tests may be employed to give a better prediction of ovarian reserve than age alone.
Diet and BMI
Diet and BMI (body mass index) play an important role in the proper functioning of the male and female reproductive systems. Women who are overweight or underweight are less likely to conceive compared to those who have a BMI between 18 and 25.
Stopping smoking is advised for both partners. The carcinogens in cigarettes are harmful to sperm and eggs and they reduce the overall chances of pregnancy.
Alcohol intake can affect fertility. Whilst trying to conceive, consumption should be limited to no more than a few drinks a week for each partner.
Stress is believed to have a negative impact on the chances of conception. Doing whatever you can to be calm and relaxed during this difficult time is recommended. 
My advise
1...   Age. As with many capabilities of our physical bodies, the younger you are the more fertile you are likely to be. ...
2..   Diseases, Disorders, Genetics. Anything that weakens body systems or redirects the body's resources from reproductive tasks can potentially decrease fertility. ...
3...  Hormones: Estrogen readily comes to mind when thinking about fertility and female hormones, but, in fact, a dozen or more hormones from the brain, ovaries, thyroid, and adrenal glands all participate in coordinating fertility.  This is the reason I am telling you to develop positive thinking.
4....  Sleep:  Lack of sleep can also reduce your ability to cope with stress and increase the likelihood you will require a medication that is not compatible with pregnancy. 
5...  Stress : It causes negative impact on your fertility
6...  Nutrition:  Your body requires nutrition food to develop fertility
7...  Toxins.  Your healthy life style n food will eliminate any kind toxins in your body
8.... Exercise : Exercise not only regulate your breathing, health  but it is helpful to increase fertility
9..   Weight of your body plays an important role on your fertility..  If your obese or lean personality may cause infertility problems
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