
Showing posts from October, 2019

Cause of Mentally retarded births

Cause of Mentally retarded births Brought to U....     and My memories Cause of Mentally retarded births Posted in 2013 Mental retardation is a delay, or slowness, in a child's mental development.  The child learns things more slowly than other children his age.  He may be late at beginning to move, smile, show interest in things, use his hands, sit, walk, speak, and understand. Or he may develop some of these skills more quickly, but be slower in others. Mental retardation ranges from mild to severe. The child who is  mildly retarded  takes longer to learn certain skills. But with help he can grow up to care for himself and take an active, responsible part in the community. The child who is  severely retarded,  as he grows older, may stay at the mental age of a baby or young child. He will always need to be cared for in some ways. Mental retardation cannot be cu...

Causes of Female Infertility.. 6

Causes of Female Infertility.. 6 Brought to U....     and My memories Causes of Female Infertility.. 6 Posted in 2012 Additional Factors 1. Other variables that may cause infertility in women: At least 10% of all cases of female infertility are caused by an abnormal uterus. Conditions such as fibroid, polyps, and adenomyosis may lead to obstruction of the uterus and Fallopian tubes. Congenital abnormalities, such as septate uterus, may lead to recurrent miscarriages or the inability to conceive. Approximately 3% of couples face infertility due to problems with the femaleís cervical mucus. The mucus needs to be of a certain consistency and available in adequate amounts for sperm to swim easily within it. The most common reason for abnormal cervical mucus is a hormone imbalance, namely too little estrogen or too much progesterone. God has created our body with great care to cure any problem itse...

Paralysis or Stroke Day.....29th October

Paralysis or Stroke Day.....29th October Brought to U....     and My memories Paralysis or Stroke Day.....29th October Posted in 2015 Paralysis is a condition involving a loss of muscle function in the body that may be accompanied by sensory loss, also referred to as loss of feeling. The term is derived from the Greek word that means disabling of the nerves. This is because it is usually due to damage to the nervous system that there is loss of motor function or sensory information. Causes There are several possible reasons that one may experience temporary or p ermanent paralysis. It is usually as a results of damage to the spinal cord or other parts of the nervous system and associated with: Stroke Trauma Poliomyelitis Cerebral palsy Peripheral Neuropathy Parkinson’s disease Botulism Spina bifida Multiple sclerosis Guillain-Barré syndrome. My Personal Experience:::I have been attacked from S...

World heart day 29th September

World heart day 29th September Brought to U....     and My memories World heart day 29th September Posted on 31st October 2015 Wold Heart day September 29. Protect your Heart with your Healthy food and Healthy life style..Prevention is better than Cure Healthy Heart Choices for Every one ..Every where World Heart Day takes place on 29 September every year and is a chance for people across the globe to take part in the world's biggest intervention against cardiovascular disease (CVD). This World Heart Day, our focus is on creating healthy heart environments. By ensuring that everyone has the chance to  make healthy heart choices wherever they live, work and play, World Heart Day encourages us all to reduce our cardiovascular risk, and promotes a heart-healthy planet for those around us. There are many ways to get involved, from planning your own World Heart Day event to sharing your Healthy Heart...

Defective births in US

Defective births in US Brought to U....     and My memories Defective births in US Posted on 30th October 2015 Birth defects are common..     Every 4 1/2 minutes, a baby is born with a birth defect in the United States. Birth defects affect 1 in every 33 babies born in the United States each year. That translates into about 120,000 babies. Birth defects are costly..... Each year, total hospital costs for U.S. children and adults with birth defects exceed $2.6 billion, not including outpatient care or many provider charges. Birth defects are critical... Birth defects cause 1 in every 5 deaths during the first year of life. Birth defects are critical conditions that can cause lifelong challenges. My advise 1...    Folic acid is a B vitamin. If a woman has enough folic acid in her body at least one month before and during pregnancy, it can help prevent major birth def...

Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin levels

Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin levels Brought to U....     and My memories Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin levels Posted in 2012 Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in red blood cells. Oxygen entering the lungs attaches to the hemoglobin in the blood, which carries it to the tissues in the body. When someone has insufficient red blood cells or the ones they have do not work properly, the body is left short of the oxygen it needs to function. This condition is called  anemia Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin levels Typical symptoms of low hemoglobin include: weakness shortness of breath dizziness fast, irregular heartbeat pounding in the ears headache cold hands and feet pale or yellow skin chest pain My advise 1....    Low hemoglobin levels usually indicate that a person has anemia. There are several kinds of anemia. 2...   Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common typ...

Know the kinds of Birth defects

Know the kinds of Birth defects Brought to U....     and My memories Know the kinds of Birth defects Posted on 30th October 2015 Know different kinds of Birth defects LEADING CATEGORIES OF BIRTH DEFECTS Birth Defects Estimated Incidence Structural/Metabolic Heart and circulation 1 in 115 births Muscles and skeleton 1 in 130 births Club foot 1 in 735 births Cleft lip/palate 1 in 930 births Genital and urinary tract 1 in 135 births Nervous system and eye 1 in 235 births Anencephaly 1 in 8,000 births Spina bifida 1 in 2,000 births Chromosomal syndromes 1 in 600 births Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) 1 in 900 births Respiratory tract 1 in 900 births Metabolic disorders 1 in 3,500 births PKU 1 in 12,000 births Congenital Infections Congenital syphilis 1 in 2,000 births Congenital HIV infection 1 in 2,700 births Congenital rubella syndrome 1 in 100,000 births Other Rh disease 1 in 1,400 births Fet...

Thyroid may cause Infertility

Thyroid may cause Infertility Brought to U....     and My memories Thyroid may cause Infertility Posted in 2015 Thyroid Problems -- Causes many health problems including Infertility Through the hormones it produces, the thyroid gland influences almost all of the metabolic processes in your body. Thyroid disorders can range from a small, harmless goiter (enlarged gland) that needs no treatment to life-threatening cancer. The most common thyroid problems involve abnormal production of thyroid hormones. Too much thyroid hormone results in a condition known as hyperthyroidism. Insufficient  hormone production leads to hypothyroidism. Although the effects can be unpleasant or uncomfortable, most thyroid problems can be managed well if properly diagnosed and treated. What Causes Thyroid Problems? All types of hyperthyroidism are due to an overproduction of thyroid hormones, but the condition can o...

Life style develops your fertility

Life style develops your fertility Brought to U....     and My memories Life style develops your fertility Posted in October 2013 Lifestyle and fertility to have Healthy and Brilliant child As with most areas of health, the way we live our lives can impact on how well our body functions. The most common lifestyle factors associated with reduced fertility are as follows: Increased female age The chances of achieving a pregnancy fall sharply after the age of 35. By 40, even though a woman may still be menstruating normally, the quality of her remaining eggs is reduced and the chances of conception are low. This is a limiting factor not only for normal conception but also in IVF. A variety of tests may be employed to give a better prediction of ovarian reserve than age alone. Diet and BMI Diet and BMI (body mass index) play an important role in the proper functioning of the male and female...

High hemoglobin levels

High hemoglobin levels Brought to U....     and My memories High hemoglobin levels Posted in 2012 Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that helps blood carry oxygen throughout the body. The hemoglobin count is an indirect measurement of the number of red blood cells in your body; a high count may be a sign of a health problem. Certain medical conditions and lifestyle factors can cause a high hemoglobin count. It can be treated with medication or a procedure called a phlebotomy. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that helps blood carry oxygen throughout the body. (Hemoglobin contains iron, which gives blood its red color.) The hemoglobin count is an indirect measurement of the number of red blood cells in your body. When the hemoglobin count is higher than normal, it may be a sign of a health problem. Normal hemoglobin counts are 14 to 17 gm/dL (grams per deciliter) for me...