Vitamin B12 deficiency in Pregnancy...1

Vitamin B12 deficiency in Pregnancy...1

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Vitamin B12 is important for maintaining the health of your nervous system, but it's also believed that when combined with folic acid during pregnancy, B12 supplements can help to prevent spina bifida and other spinal and central nervous system birth defects in your baby, too

1...  Can b12 affect pregnancy?
Infertility. As with a lack of vitamin B12, a folate deficiency can also affect your fertility. However, this is only temporary and can usually be reversed with folate supplements.

2...   Is it safe to take vitamin b12 while pregnant?
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. Vitamin B12 is likely safe when taken according to the recommended dietary amounts (RDA) or less. ... Some research has reported that vitamin B12 levels during pregnancy have effects on mental function in infants.

3...    Is folic acid and vitamin b12 the same?
Vitamin B12 deficiency produces both an anaemia identical to that of folate deficiency but also causes irreversible damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems. Folic acid will correct the anaemia of vitamin B12 deficiency and so delay diagnosis but will not prevent progression to neurological damage.

4...     Is b12 good to take while pregnant?
Pregnant women are advised to avoid liver, raw eggs, soft cheese and shellfish which all contain vitamin B12. Vegetarians and vegans can be particularly vulnerable to vitamin B12 deficiency; a condition that leads to anaemia, tiredness, weight loss and constipation.


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