Folate deficiency during Pregnancy...2

Folate deficiency during Pregnancy...2

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6....  Why are my folate levels low?
A diet low in fresh fruits, vegetables, and fortified cereals is the main cause of folatedeficiency. In addition, overcooking your food can sometimes destroy the vitamins.Folate levels in your body can become low in just a few weeks if you don't eat enough folate-rich foods.

7....   What does low folate levels mean?
folate deficiency can contribute to anemia, which is a condition that develops when red blood cells are improperly formed. An important folate-dependent reaction in the body is the conversion of the methylation of deoxyuridylate to thymidylate in the formation of DNA, which is required for proper cell 

8...     How does folic acid affect pregnancy?
Folic acid is a pregnancy superhero! Taking a prenatal vitamin with the recommended 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid before and during pregnancycan help prevent birth defects of your baby's brain and spinal cord. Take it every day and go ahead and have a bowl of fortified cereal, too.

9....    What causes low folate?
Not eating enough folate can lead to a deficiency in just a few weeks. Deficiencymay also occur if you have a disease or genetic mutation that prevents your body from absorbing or converting folate to its usable form. Folate deficiency can causeanemia. Anemia is a condition in which you have too few RBCs

10...   Can folic acid reduce the risk of miscarriage?
You've probably heard that you should take folic acid before and during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects, but you may be wondering if too little of the vitamincan also affect your miscarriage risk. ... On the flip side, it does not appear thatfolic acid supplementation increases the risk of miscarriages


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