Effect of anemia on your pregnancy

Effect of anemia on your pregnancy

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Effect of anemia on your pregnancy
Posted in 2013

It's normal to feel worried about being diagnosed with anemia, but mild anemia that's diagnosed and treated early shouldn't pose a problem during your pregnancy. Most experts agree that anemia in pregnancy is more of a concern if it's severe, untreated, or lasts a long time.
If your provider advises you take iron supplements, and you take them as prescribed, your condition should improve. If you have a more severe case of anemia, you may be treated with IV iron supplements, or possibly even a blood transfusion if your hemoglobin falls to 6 g/dL or less.
If you have severe anemia, and it doesn't get better with initial treatment, your healthcare provider may refer you to a specialist for care. You may need to see a hematologist or a maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialist to figure out if another condition is causing your anemia.
When you have a low level of iron, you may find yourself getting more tired or fatigued more easily during your pregnancy. Pregnancy can be exhausting anyway, so take extra care of yourself if you're feeling the added strain of having low iron.
Generally, men and non-menstruating women should receive about 10 mg of iron daily, menstruating or nursing women 15 mg, and pregnant women 30 mg daily. You can quickly learn how much iron you are consuming in your diet by using our Food Adviser.
Every nutrient plays active part in our body...If any of them is insufficient our body will tell by expressing some problem so that medical expert will identify it with various tests or examination and conclude the which nutrient is lacking...According to it they will prescribe the medicine in which the the required nutrient is available..What ever your body needs are available in vegetables, pulses, fruits etc..you eat..It is very safe and you will not get any side effects..

My advise
1..  You always remember that you have to share blood to your child.
2... When you are normal condition still you will be anemic during your pregnancy.
3... Till delivery you have supply needed nutrients i.e. folic acid, iron and Vitamin B12 to your child and also to your body..  You should take needed nutrients to meet your body and your unborn child.
4..  If you are anemic it will effect you and your child.   So take needed nutrients food.

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