Standing and Walking of your child

Standing and Walking of your child

My memories
Standing and Walking of your child
Posted on 21st May 2015
Most babies can pull themselves up to stand and begin taking their first steps somewhere between the ages of 8 months and 18 months. Soon after their first birthday, they can usually take a few steps alone, but prior to this will have started to 'cruise' -- walking along the edge of a couch or table, using furniture or outstretched hands for support. But what if your baby shows signs of delayed walking? And what if you notice your baby has bowed legs or is walking on tiptoes -- should you worry?
There is a wide variation from one baby to the next in learning to walk. Timing of first steps can also vary between babies of different ethnic backgrounds. One baby may not walk until three or four months after another baby has walked. That doesn't necessarily signal a problem or delayed walking. Both children are likely to be equally healthy and able to run and play as they get older.
My advise
1... Your baby will hit many developmental milestones during the first year of life. These include learning how to hold their bottle, rolling over, crawling, sitting up, and eventually walking without assistance.
2...    It’s important to remember that babies develop and reach milestones at different ages. The fact that your baby isn’t walking by 14 months doesn’t always indicate a problem.
3....    If your baby isn’t walking by 14 months, your concerns are understandable. You want your child to reach milestones, and you don’t want your baby to lag behind other children of similar age. But a baby being unable to walk at 14 months isn’t usually indicative of a problem. While some babies begin walking before 12 months, others don’t walk until 16 or 17 months.
4...     Babies learn to walk gradually as they become bigger and their leg muscles become stronger. Because of weak muscles, a newborn’s legs can’t support their weight. Typically, babies begin scooting or crawling around the age of 7 months. Around this age they also begin to bounce up and down while being held in a standing position. This action helps strengthen your baby’s leg muscles in preparation for taking their first steps.
5..     Around the age of 8 to 9 months, your baby may begin pulling up on objects, like chairs and tables. Some babies even lift their feet up and down while holding onto an object, as if they’re about to walk.
6....   Walking involves balance and confidence. Not only does your baby learn how to stand up alone, there’s also the challenge of learning how to coordinate steps without falling. This takes time.
7....     During your pregnancy you should supply Vitamin D, Calcium and Magnesium to your unborn child sufficiently daily.
8.... It will make his bone structure perfectly before birth and after birth also the above should supply daily with your breast milk for 6 months then after with his food.
9... Your child start standing between 7 to 8 month and start walking slowly.
Brought to U ....


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