Vitamin C is Important for you and your child..5

Vitamin C is Important for you and your child..5

Brought to U....    and

8..  Your diet is important to avoid birth defects due to Vitamin C deficiency
A MAN whose diet is low in vitamin C may increase his likelihood of fathering children with birth defects and certain types of cancers, according to a study recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The study demonstrated a direct relationship between a diet low in vitamin C and increased DNA damage in sperm cells. DNA is the basic molecule that functions to transmit hereditary traits. Any damage to this genetic structure may predispose a man to having children with genetic anomalies.
One of the researchers, Dr. Paul Motchnik of the University of California at Berkeley said the implication of this finding is that increased vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, could prevent the consequences of oxidation damage to DNA, including infertility and decreased sperm function in the father and some mutations, birth defects and cancers in the offspring.
In the study, one group of 10 men stayed in a metabolic ward for four months; their food was meticulously controlled. A second group, 24 men, ate unregulated diets. The relationship between low dietary ascorbic acid and high levels of oxidation damage to DNA was documented in both the groups.
When the daily intake of dietary ascorbic acid was decreased from 250 milligrams to 5 milligrams, the amount of ascorbic acid in seminal fluid halved while the product of oxidation of DNA, indicating damage, doubled. When the vitamin C level in the diet was returned to 250 milligrams a day, it took one month for the ascorbic acid level in the semen to return to its original level and for DNA damage to decrease.

Eating an unbalanced diet and smoking are factors that reduce a man's vitamin C level and increase his risk for DNA damage, Dr. Motchnik said. Children of fathers who smoke have been found to be at increased risk for leukemia and lymphoma. Dr. Motchnik recommended that smokers either modify their diets to include fruits and vegetables or take a vitamin C supplement each day.
My Advise
1.  Avoid Smoking..Smoking can cause many birth defects and also reduce Vitamin C
2.  Vitamin C is available in your Healthy food.  Take Healthy food
3.  Wait to enjoy


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