Observe your child's talent and encourage

Observe your child's talent and encourage 

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Observe your child's talent and encourage
Posted in 2013

Modern society and the educational system tend to discriminate against the right hemisphere and nonverbal forms of intellect.
Experiments show that most children rank highly creative (right brain) before entering school. Because our educational systems place a higher value on left brain skills such as mathematics, logic and language than it does on drawing or using our imagination, only ten percent of these same children will rank highly creative by age 7. By the time we are adults, high creativity remains in only 2 percent of the population.
Recent studies have shown that the abacus method of mental calculation is effective in the development of the right brain. At first, this idea was only a hypothesis, but the recent development of high-tech brain imaging equipment has helped provide tangible research data. Thanks to the development of cerebral physiology and imaging equipment that can accurately measure the amount of blood flow in the brain, recent studies have proven that the abacus method of mental calculation is extremely effective in activating the right brain. According to the research, the learning and thinking process is enhanced when both sides of the brain participate in a balanced manner.
We are seeing in many families that their children possess different talent in different fields...some are creative..some are artistic ...some posses talent in literature etc...Their parents think if any body is there in their fore fathers or think of their relatives and imagine some thing...I being Medical Astrologist I wish to tell you according to my research that all qualities of the child is according to the planetary position at the time of parents association(Sex)..due to their child birth occur....Brought to you http://successgain.us


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