Dad and other can bond with unborn child

Dad and other can bond with unborn child

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Dad and other can bond with unborn child
Posted in 2013

If you are the baby’s father or other significant caregiver, here are some things you can do to help you become attached to the unborn baby.
  • Massage the baby bump if the baby’s mother is happy for you to do so.
  • Feel the baby kicking as often as you can.
  • Attend ultrasound appointments with the mother.
  • If you’re planning to be a support person at the birth, go to the prenatal classes, as well. Understand and discuss the birth plan with the baby’s mother and meet the maternity team. The more confidence you have in the pregnancy and birth process, the easier it will be for you to bond with the baby.
  • Read and talk with the baby so they get used to your voice.
  • Talk to other parents. Share your thoughts and feelings, and allow them to share theirs about their pregnancy and birth experience.

Older siblings can bond too

By preparing your toddler or child for the upcoming birth, you can help them to bond with the baby. This may involve talking to them about the baby, reading stories about pregnancy and babies, allowing them to touch your belly to feel the baby kicking, and preparing a gift together for the baby.
You could involve your child in preparation for the birth by taking them shopping for baby supplies or setting up the nursery. Your child may also like to put a piece of their art on the wall of the baby’s room.

My advise
1...  You don’t need to wait until your baby is born to bond with them. Pregnancy can be the perfect time to start forming an attachment with your baby, which is very important for their development once your baby has actually arrived.
2..   Talk and sing to your baby, knowing he or she can hear you.
3...    Play music to your baby. Music that mimics a heartbeat of around 60 beats per minute, such as lullabies, is useful. You can also search online for relaxing or calming music.
4...    It’s no secret that fathers in South Africa are largely absent and even if they are around, pregnancy may feel like a time that doesn’t really involve them as they don’t have a physical role to play. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If you are lucky enough to have a supportive partner help him bond with your bump. It’s a vital process for your baby too. A father’s commitment to the relationship is most deeply affected by their ability to form a close bond early on with their children.
5...   If you feel emotionally supported during pregnancy you are less likely to experience postpartum depression. Fathers who accept their partners’ changing figures and bond with the pregnancy are more likely to bond with their new babies and you are more likely to have fewer body and self-esteem issues during pregnancy.
6.... Babies in utero are not able to distinguish between their mother’s feelings and their own, and therefore your feelings can directly affect the health and well being of your developing baby.
7...  A father who abuses or neglects his pregnant wife is creating one of the most dangerous emotional and physical experiences for his unborn child. If you are in an abusive relationship, you have to find a place of safety for the sake of your child and their future well being.
8...  Research has shown that babies born into unhappy marriages are five times more likely to be more fearful and jumpy than babies born into happy relationships. How fathers treat the mothers and their unborn babies can have a direct effect on the personality formation and character.
9.....When any  body bond with the  unborn child will have life long affection with him.
10.  So develop harmonious relation with your life partner and child.

Brought to U ....


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