
Showing posts from April, 2018

Risk of people from Dehydration i.e Pregnants and breastfeeding

Risk of from Dehydration i.e Pregnants Brought to U....     and   My memories Risk of people from Dehydration i.e. pregnants and breastfeeding Posted in 2016 Who is at higher risk of dehydration? People are at higher risk of dehydration if they exercise at a high intensity, have certain medical conditions, are sick,  or are not able to get enough fluids during the day. Older adults are also at higher risk. As you get older, your brain may not be able to sense dehydration and send the signals for thirst. You may need to increase the amount of water you are drinking if you: Have certain medical conditions, such as kidney stones or bladder infection Are pregnant or breastfeeding Will be outside during hot weather Will be exercising Have a fever Have been vomiting or have diarrhea Are trying to lose weight Pregnant woman should take care of her body and unborn child body not to a...

How I know if I am dehydrated?

How I know if I am dehydrated? Brought to U....     and   My memories How I know if I am dehydrated? Posted in 2015 How do I know if I’m dehydrated? Symptoms of dehydration include the following: Little or no urine, or urine that is darker than usual Dry mouth Sleepiness or f atigue Extreme thirst Headache Confusion Dizziness or lightheaded feeling No tears when crying Don’t wait until you notice symptoms of dehydration to take action. Actively prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water. If you find the above symptoms immediately drink water...Water is your life protector. Brought to You

Effects of dehydration in your pregnancy

Effects of dehydration in your pregnancy Brought to U....     and   My memories Effects of dehydration in your  pregnancy Posted in 2016 Heat Regulation Dehydration can lead to maternal overheating. Water aids in heat regulation for all individuals, but it becomes especially important during pregnancy. Overheating becomes easier during pregnancy because your body is not able to rid itself of heat as easily. In an effort to compensate for this, your body may sweat sooner and more, which means you're also losing extra water. If your temperature increases to 102 degrees or higher, your baby can experience overheating as well. If this happens in early pregnancy, it can lead to neural tube defects. Low Amniotic Fluid While there are a variety of potential causes for developing low amniotic fluid, maternal dehydration could be a possible culprit. Amniotic fluid serves as your baby's s...

If U are Pregnant than take care in Summer

If U are Pregnant than take care in Summer Brought to U....     and   My memories If U are Pregnant than take care in Summer Posted in 2015 It's hot, it's humid, and you're pregnant. True, that can be a recipe for misery, but there are ways to cope. "I always have tremendous sympathy for women whose babies are due in the summer or early fall," says Debra Gilbert Rosenberg, LCSW, author of the recently released  The New Mom's Companion: Care for Yourself While You Care for Your Newborn "Heat and humidity, while unpleasant for most people, take a greater toll on pregnant women." 'Heat Intolerance' Adelaide Nardone, MD, an ob-gyn in Providence, Rhode Island, and medical advisor to the Vagisil  Women's health Center, explains that when you're pregnant your body temperature is already a bit higher than normal, so added heat from the outside temperature is bou...

How to avoid Sun Stroke?

How to avoid Sun Stroke? Brought to U....     and My memories How to avoid Sun Stroke? Posted in 2016 How to avoid SUN STROKE? 1. Stay out of sun light between 9 AM to 6 PM 2. Avoid going in hottest places 3. Close your windows and doors to protect your self from Hottest air. 4. Drink sufficient water to keep your self cool. 5. Keep small piece of Onion in your pocket and carry water battle, Whenever you feel giddiness crush the onion keeping in your curchief or piece of cloth and pour some water and smell it. you will not get Sun stroke. Brought to U

Take care of your Lunch in Summer

Take care of your Lunch in Summer Brought to U....     and My memories Take care of your Lunch in Summer Posted in 2016 Take care of your Lunch in Summer From the beginning I am telling U that You Healthy food to protect your Health...We are all facing Summer heat and daily many people are affected with Sun Stroke....Take care of your Lunch to protect your self. 1....Avoid Spicy, oily foods in day time. 2....Select the vegitables which contain water. 3....Cook with less Salt, spicy and oil 4....Drink about one to two glasses water one hour before Lunch. Your health will be safe if you follow...Brought to you

Know that all your body parts are activated when you are walking

 Know that all your body parts are activated when you are walking Brought to U....     and My memories  Know that all your body parts are activated when you are walking Posted in 2015 God created our body with great care so that he puts various glands to activate when we are walking.  Let us know which muscles we use for walking The muscles we use for walking are: the “quads” ie, rectus femoris, vastus medialis and vastus lateralis,sartorius, which runs from the hip to the inside of the knee,gracilis, inside the leg,hamstrings ie, the muscles at the back of the leg comprising biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus,iliopsoas in the hips,shin muscles ie, tibialis, peroneus longus, and calves ie, gastrocnemius, and soleus pectineus, gluteus medius and maximus. The glutes propel your leg forward. As you step forward, your tibialis and flexor digitorum longus flex your foot...

Elements Composition of Our body

Elements Composition of Our body Brought to U....     and My memories Elements Composition of Our body Posted in 2014 There are several ways to consider the composition of the human body, including  the elements or type of cells. Most of the human body is made up of water, H 2 O, with cells consisting of 65-90% water by weight. Therefore, it isn't surprising that most of a human body's mass is oxygen. Carbon, the basic unit for organic molecules, comes in second. 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of just six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Oxygen  (O) - 65% - Oxygen together with hydrogen form water, which is the primary solvent found in the body and is used to regulate temperature and osmotic pressure. Oxygen is found in many key organic compounds. Carbon  (C) - 18% - Carbon has four bonding sites for other atoms...

Know about Spinal cord

Know about Spinal cord Brought to U....     and My memories Know about Spinal cord Posted in 2015 The spinal cord is a long, fragile tubelike structure that begins at the end of the brain stem and continues down almost to the bottom of the spine (spinal column). The spinal cord consists of nerves that carry incoming and outgoing messages between the brain and the rest of the body. It is also the center for reflexes, such as the knee jerk reflex  Like the brain, the spinal cord is covered by three layers of tissue (meninges). The spinal cord and meninges are contained in the spinal canal, which runs through the center of the spine. In most adults, the spine is composed of 26 individual back bones (vertebrae). Just as the skull protects the brain, vertebrae protect the spinal cord. The vertebrae are separated by disks made of cartilage, which act as cushions, reducing the forces generated by...

Cause of Child births Male or Female or Criminal or Undesired

Cause of Child births Male or Female or Criminal or Undesired Brought to U....     and My memories Cause of Child births Male or Female or Criminal or Undesired Posted in 2014 Cause of Child births Male or Female or Criminal or Undesired I have seen in many families that all are Male children or Female children. I asked to many Medical Expert about this. They told me 1 A normal man has an X and a Y sex chromosome and a normal woman has two X chromosomes. 2. If the father’s contribution is the X chromosome the baby continues to develop as female with a surge of female hormones. 3. If it is Y then the child will be Male. 4. The female always has cont ain X chromosome. I researched this topic with Medical Astrology. I noted 1. Birth details of couples 2. Time of Sex 3. Planetary periods. I found the cause that 1. If dominated planet is Jupiter or Sun or Mars the child will be Male 2. If dom...

Pregnancy in the 20’s

Pregnancy in the 20’s Brought to U....     and My memories Pregnancy in the 20’s Posted in 2015 Pregnancy in the 20’s Women in their twenties have a good chance of becoming pregnant as a result of a relatively greater number of eggs in their ovaries. Additionally, a larger percentage of those eggs are normal genetically. Since a woman is born with all of the eggs that they will have in their lifetime, the older she gets the fewer eggs are left. In addition, as women age the percentage of genetically normal eggs remaining decreases. This is why women have a decreasing fe rtility rate, increased miscarriage rate and increased chance of birth defects like Down syndrome as they age. The pregnancy rate per month of a woman in her 20’s is about 20-25%. Because of this, a woman should seek help with fertility if she has been unsuccessful trying to conceive after 12 months of actively trying. Th...

Forms of Birth defects

Forms of Birth defects Brought to U....     and My memories Forms of Birth defects Posted in 2014 What form do birth defects take? Defects of limbs, heart and spinal cord together represent about half of all abnormalities. The most common kinds of defect are those affecting the limbs (arms and legs). These include missing or extra fingers or toes, deficiencies in limb length, and abnormalities in positioning, such as club foot. Heart abnormalities represent the next most common category of defect. Common heart defects include 'holes in the heart' where blood can pass from   one side of the heart to the other. Again, these may not all be detected at birth. The third most common kind of defect affects the spinal cord, such as spina bifida. Other defects commonly observed include those affecting the face (such as cleft lip and palate), problems with the development of the intestines a...

Know your cycle for getting pregnancy

Know your cycle for getting pregnancy Brought to U....     and My memories Know your cycle for getting pregnancy Posted in 2014 Know your cycle for getting pregnancy  Most medics agree that women are more likely to get pregnant within a day or so of ovulating.  You normally ovulate two weeks after the first day of your period, so having lots of sex at this time of the month is ideal. While sperm lives for up to 7 days, eggs have a much shorter lifespan - they only 'live' for 12 to 24 hours once they have been released so you might want to schedule special baby making appointments with your partner whe n you know you're at your most fertile. But that shouldn't stop you from going for it at other times during your cycle, as we've said, the more the better! Your bodies (Couple) must 1. posses all nutrients needed for giving birth to Healthy child. 2. You should be tension free 3. Sound sleep fo...

Cause of Left hand hander or right hander

Cause of Left hand hander or right hander Brought to U....     and   My memories Cause of Left hand hander or right hander Posted in 2015 Approximately 85 percent of people are right-handed. These theories also try to explain the persistent and continuing presence of a left-handed minority (about 15 percent of humans). The genetic proposal to explain hand preference states that there are two alleles, or two manifestations of a gene at the same genetic location, that are associated with handedness. One of these alleles is a D gene (for dextral, meaning right) and the other allele is a C gene (for chance). The D gene is more frequent in the population and is more likely to occur as part of the genetic heritage of an individual. It is the D gene that promotes right-hand preference in the majority of humans. The C gene is less likely to occur within the gene pool, but when it is present, the hand ...

This child is abnormal

This child is abnormal                                          And Brought to U....     and   My memories This child is abnormal Posted in 2014 Most of couples do not take proper health care before conceiving.  Just they think they want a child. Just observe Farmers how they cultivate.?  Before cropping they leave some time putting just waste of animals.  This is because the land will get the nutrients from the waste and it will get sufficient Vitamin D.   After that they give water to the land.  Finally they seeding. From this we can learn before conceiving our body should be filled with needed nutrients and water. Then plan to conceive.   It is procedure.   But most  of us ignoring and running to various Hospitals to conceive....

Risk factors of Osteoporosis

Risk factors of Osteoporosis Brought to U....     and   My memories Risk factors of Osteoporosis Posted in 2014 Most of us neglect their healthy habits due to which they are facing many health problems after 30 years with different pains in their bones which leads to Osteoporosis. Are You at Risk? Age. Your bone density peaks around age 30. ... Gender. Women over the age of 50 are the most likely people to develop osteoporosis. ... Family history. ... Bone structure and body weight. ... Broken bones. ... Ethnicity. ... Certain diseases. ... Some medications What can increase the risk of osteoporosis? A lifelong lack of calcium plays a role in the development of  osteoporosis . Low calcium intake contributes to diminished bone density, early bone loss and an increased  risk  of fractures. Eating disorders My advise 1...Plenty of calcium is availabl...