Basic Nutrients you need daily
Basic Nutrients you need daily Brought to U.... and Six Basic Nutrients Required for Good Health 1. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates can be grouped into two categories: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are sugars whereas complex carbohydrates consist of starch and dietary fibre . Carbohydrate provides about 4 kcal (kcal = kilocalories = Calories) per gram (except for fibre ) and is the energy that is used first to fuel muscles and the brain. Soluble fibre (fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, brown rice, and oat, barley and rice brans ) lowers blood cholesterol and helps to control blood sugar levels while providing very little energy. Insoluble fibre (wheat and corn bran, whole-grain breads and cereals, vegetables, fruit skins, nuts) doesn’t provide any calories. It helps to alleviate digestive disorders l...