
Showing posts from March, 2018

Cause of child birth with white skin

Cause of child birth with white skin Brought to U by...      and My memories Know scientific and my reasons for child birth with white skin Posted in 2016 Know Scientific and my reasons for child birth with White Skin Oculocutaneous albinism is a group of conditions that affect coloring (pigmentation) of the skin, hair, and eyes. Affected individuals typically have very fair skin and white or light-colored hair. Long-term sun exposure greatly increases the risk of skin damage and skin cancers, including an aggressive form of skin cancer ca lled melanoma, in people with this condition. Oculocutaneous albinism also reduces pigmentation of the colored part of the eye (the iris) and the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina). People with this condition usually have vision problems such as reduced sharpness; rapid, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus); and increased se...

Why animals do not give birth to defective child?

Why animals do not give birth to defective child? Brought to U by...      and My memories Why animals do not give birth to Defective child? Posted in October 2013 Why animals does not give birth to Defective births? See and think why we are giving birth to Defective child? God has created all animals including us. Before created all he created Plants, Trees etc...and filled all nutrients needed to live happily till the end of Life...He also fixed span of Life to all animals..the minimum span is 5 hours and maximum span is 450 years. Every animal during   his life give birth their child and leave the body. I observed all animals live upto 90% of their span of life but we are giving birth to defective children besides this their life span is minimum of full life span i.e 100 years. I observed the animals life style. Irrespective of the Place they born their life style is similar...

Vitamin D deficiency during your Pregnancy

Vitamin D deficiency during your Pregnancy Brought to U by...      and My memories Vitamin D deficiency in your Pregnancy Posted in 2014 Vitamin D deficiency in your Pregnancy may cause Bones Problem to your child Your body needs vitamin D to maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorus, which help build your baby's bones and teeth. A vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can cause growth retardation and skeletal deformities. It may also have an impact on birth weight. If you're lacking vitamin D during pregnancy, your baby may be short on the vitamin at birth. This can put her at risk for rickets (which can lead to fractures and deformity), abnormal bone growth, and delayed physical development. And the results can be long lasting: Researchers believe that a vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can affect bone development and immune function from birth through adulthood. A deficiency of vitamin...

Can healthy food increase your chances to conceive?

Can healthy food increase your chances to conceive? Brought to U by...      and My memories Can healthy food increase your fertility? Posted in 2013 CAN FOODS INCREASE YOUR FERTILITY? You know it’s wise to eat healthy, but did you know certain foods are believed to boost your chances for getting pregnant? We all know that we’re supposed to cut back on alcohol and try to eat the recommended portions of all the major food groups when trying to conceive, but a faction of people believe there’s more: that specific foods can actually boost your fertility. Doctors, scientists, dietitians, herbalists, and organic food supporters are all touting the power of food in fertility. If you and your husband have been trying for months to conceive without success, you may begin to wonder if you’re doing something wrong or start asking yourself questions such as, “Is my ovulation cycle off?”, “Are w...

You can conceive naturally

You can conceive naturally Brought to U by...     and My memories You can conceive naturally if U follow Posted in 2013 You can conceive Naturally if you follow You might have not seen any animal taking medicines to conceive because they follow healthy habits and no animal is rushing to Infertility clinic for IVF or Surrogacy or other to have a child. God has gifted to give birth to a child by following Healthy habits. We have been included in ZOOLOGY considering us as Animal. All parts of us are similar to animal and functions   are also same. The only difference is they have four legs but we have two hands and two legs...The God created us equal to him and given us Thinking Power which is not given to animal. That is the reason we are creating wonders on this Universe. Not only this we are also searching various planets to know the atmosphere there. minerals available, etc..Plea...